Student Presentations
This collection contains presentations by students in Economics at Linfield University.
Events from 2024
Predicting Professional Football (Soccer) Player Salaries, Brady Anderson
Maximizing Name, Image, and Likeness Evaluations in College Athletics, Christopher Cayford
Salaries of Major League Baseball Infielders, Austin Hansen
Indicators of a Successful Box-Office Performance, Patrick Moes
Events from 2023
The Increasing Price of Automobiles Through Time, Samuel C. Brinda and Romario Mendoza
Oregon State Labor Force Participation Rate: A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, Jackson Horner and Katelyn Schmitt
Apple v Google, Maya Nakasone and Mariah Ohman
Incorporating Macroeconomic Indicators and the Baker-Wurgler Investor Sentiment Model to Forecast Market Returns, Jacob Straessle and Evan Neitling
Degrees Conferred in 2023, Devin Thacker and Derek Long
Events from 2022
Updating the Beckarian Approach to Marriage: Divorce Rates in the United States from 1990-2020, Maggie Fiocchi
Impacts of R&D Funding and Climate Change on Agricultural Output Within the U.S., Margaret Lippsmeyer
Understanding the Rise In Residential Real-Estate Prices, Peter Oakes
Our Modern Economy and the effects on US Homicide Rates, Drew Stogsdill
Identifying Causes of the Changes in U.S Per Capita Consumption of Fluid Cow's Milk, Megan Sweeney
Events from 2021
Estimation of a Tourism Demand Function for Aotearoa (New Zealand), Connor Ashmun
An Analysis of College Graduation Rates, Daniel Johnson
Light Rail Transportation and Its Impact on Home Values, Eldon Long
Does Income Inequality Affect Import Demand in the U.S.?, Payton Person
Reproductive Policies and Female Labor Force Participation, Kylee Simdorn
Disaggregated Phillips Curve Regression, Deric Wagner
Events from 2019
An Investigation into the Economic Thought of Medieval Arab-Islamic Scholars and Enlightenment Philosophers, Riley E. Clayeux and Randy R. Grant
Financial Determinants of Yield Rates for Bachelor of Arts and Sciences Colleges, Kainoa Cuttitta and Mariah Moore
Factors That Affect College Graduation Rates of Minorities, Eben Drake-Mudede and Mauricio Duran
Forecasting New Housing Starts Using Real GDP and Average 30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates, Lindsay Fowler
The Impact of Professional Sports on Cities’ Economic Performance, Carter Mensing and Chris Cassi
The Effect of Net Costs on Yield Rates of U.S. Private Law Schools, Justin Meyer and Magdalena Ceja Mendoza
The Responsiveness of Admitted Student Enrollment to Changes in the Net Tuition Price at Linfield College, Justine Schoenbacher and Sarah Linton
The Effect of Athletic Success on Charitable Donations at Power 5 Conference Schools, Lukas Sherman
Events from 2018
Evaluating Factors That Influence MVP Voting in the NBA, Zach Grate and Josh Holcomb
The Effect of Tommy John Surgery on Pitching Performance in Major League Baseball, Max Hanson and Taylor Boos
How Do Men’s Football and Basketball Programs Affect Athlete Graduation Rates at NCAA Power 5 Conference Institutions?, James Vaughan
The Economic and Demographic Determinants of Oregon Lottery Sales, Chase Walker and Peter Arthur
What Attributes Explain Variation in the Prices of Willamette Valley Pinot Noir?, Emily Walker and William Chase Meyers
Capacity Utilization Rates across NFL Stadiums, Isaac Williams and Samantha Bennett
Events from 2017
Do Free Agent Contracts for MLB Pitchers Create Moral Hazard?, Ben Andrews and Connor Scott
The Effect of Student and School Characteristics on Bar Pass Rates, Mikayla Frei and Ehren Cahill
How Do Recessions Affect Colleges’ Costs?, Eric O. Igbinoba and Theo E. Petropoulos
Evaluation of the Prerequisite Requirements in Principles of Economics and Student Success at Linfield College, Haley V. Oliver and Katie M. Lundquist
A Hedonic Model for Housing Prices in Wilsonville, Oregon, David Petersen and Nathan A. Coe
An Empirical Analysis of the Factors Affecting College Quarterback Prospect Signing Bonuses, Patricia Roberts and Joshua Cowell
Factors Affecting the Winning Percentages of Division III Football Teams, Michael Schrader and Eli Fults
Events from 2016
Factors Affecting the Probability that a NFL Head Coach Will Be Fired, Kyle Belcher
Comparing the Causes of Variation in the Female-Male Wage Ratio in 2009 and 2013, Christopher J. Garcia
What is the Amenity Value of Golf Course Living?, Kyle W. Hargrave
How Do Institutional and Student Cohort Characteristics Affect Retention Rates at 4-Year, Private Baccalaureate Colleges?, Alisen Hinton
The Amenity Value of Living Close to the Beach: Results from a Hedonic Pricing Model, Richard B. Houghton III
Factors Affecting Inflation across Countries over Time, Ian Lundgren
The Effect of Player Performance on Free Agency Contract Value in Major League Baseball, Finn O. McMichael
Estimating the Factors That Explain Economists' Time Preferences, Bailey J. Smith
Who Gives? The Determinants of Humanitarian Aid, Shane R. Whitson
Events from 2015
Factors Affecting Retention of Transfer Students at Linfield College, Levi A. Altringer and Michael Zier
An Hedonic Pricing Model for the Portland and Seattle Metro Area Housing Markets, Seth D. Fults and Mike F. Nardoni
Separating the Good from the Great: Predicting Votes for the Cy Young Award, John G. Henry and Colin S. Nelson
The Demand Side Determinate of NFL Ticket Prices, Alicia N. McCracken and Brooke Niemann
Beyond Moneyball, Logan Tyler Munson and Taylor Charles Klopp
Does ESPN’s Total Quarterback Rating Help Explain an NFL Team’s Probability of Winning?, Shuai Pei and Andrew Waetzig
The Effect of Government Agricultural Support Payments on Farmland Rental Prices, Jarvis Zosel-Offutt and James Lange
Events from 2014
The Effects of the Great Recession on the Enrollment Yield at Private Liberal Arts Colleges, Ashlee Carlson and Brandon Lemerande
Women's Postponement of Marriage, Bryanna Dixon and Kara Grant
An Economic Analysis of Crime, Andrew Gladhill and Alexa Wolford
Economic Factors Affecting United States Exports of Softwood Logs to China, South Korea, and Japan, Michael J. Pellatz and Jesse Archambault
What Determines NFL Ticket Prices?, Kyle T. Shewmaker and Cameron K. Norris
The Relative Returns to Skill of PGA and LPGA Players, Alexandria E. Smith and Michon E. Hunsaker
Co-Integration of Equity and Bond Returns, Nizar J. Tarhuni
Determinants of Economic Growth in a Panel of 86 Developing Countries, Alyssa Thiel and Ian Zarosinski
Determinants of Well-Being: Applying the Easterlin Paradox, Life Expectancy, Carbon Emissions, and Education across Countries, Ayla Zahler and Brita Gaeddert
Events from 2013
Forecasting the Price of Corn Received by Farmers Using a Vector Autoregressive Model, Jay R. Cedergreen
The U.S. Demand for Domestic and Foreign Automobiles, Feng Chen
Demand for TriMet Bus and Light Rail Systems, Cameron M. Chester
Baumol and Bowen Effects at Private Liberal Arts Colleges, Geoffrey M. Hamilton
The Economic Impact of Mountain Bicycle Events in Oregon, Kadin Hashimoto, Katie Main, Rhiannon Ladwig, and Jeff McNamee
The Demand for Consumer Credit, Emmett Hersh-O'Connor
Predicting Gross Domestic Box Office Revenue, Erik Knapp
Determining Inter-State Labor Migration: The Relative Importance of Business Cycles and Tiebout-sorting Variables, Rhiannon Ladwig
The Effect of Human Development on Economic Growth, Peyton Mizell
The Great Recession and Okun's Law, Ryann Nolan
Events from 2012
The Effect of Gender Equality on Life Expectancy Across Development Levels, Nicole Bond and Anders Van Sandt
An Economic Evaluation of Moneyball, Jason C. Erwin and Clayton Cooper
Factors Affecting Retention at Private Baccalaureate Liberal Arts and Sciences Colleges, Tarun T. Fernandes
Impacts of Income, Trade, and Government Regulation on Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Katherine Grainey and Heather McClellan
Success in the Film Industry: What Elements Really Matter in Determining Box-Office Receipts, Melissa Greenaway and Barrett Zetterberg
Understanding Retention among Private Baccalaureate Liberal Arts Colleges, Katherine S. Hanson
An Increasingly Negative Outlook: How Income Inequality Affects Personal Consumption Expenditures, Daniel R. Harmon and Gabriel T. Cruz
Economics of Happiness, Courtney M. Hatch and Rosie F. Schoeppner
The Obesity of Economics: An Application of the Law of Demand to Obesity Prevalence within the United States, Tara Marie Hill and Amy Hasenoehrl
The Determinants of NFL Ticket Prices: What Managers May Consider when Pricing Tickets, Julia A. Huffman and Buddy J. Saxon
Economies of Scale within State Prisons, Nicholas William Irving and David Anthony King
Explaining Differences in Growth across Developing Countries, Alex Przedpelski and Zachariah Evans
Does State Export Growth Granger-Cause State GDP Growth?, Garrick G. Rozairo and Gerald Rusere
Examination of Net Exports through the Use of Econometric Models, Eric Weinbender and Alex Grant
Events from 2011
How Do Economic Conditions Affect Oregonians’ Voting Behavior?, Kyle Abeln
Gender Inequality, Human Development and Fertility, Samantha Callender
Origins of Economic Development in Oregon’s Willamette Valley: How Transportation Transformed an Untamed Wilderness into a Productive Powerhouse, Brian Richardson
The Effect of the Financial Aid Offer on the Enrollment Decision of Students Accepted to Linfield College, Allen J. Tyler
Predicting Box-Office Revenues for Science Fiction and Comedy Movies, Hung Vu
Income, Trade, and Environmental Quality: An Environmental Kuznets Curve Approach, Christopher L. Watson
Portland Oregon Housing Prices and the Urban Growth Boundary, Benjamin J. Willis