PLACE Lecture Series | PLACE (Program for Liberal Arts and Civic Engagement) | Linfield University

PLACE Lecture Series


This collection contains lectures sponsored by PLACE (Program for Liberal Arts and Civic Engagement).

Linfield University views the notion of citizenship as central to the liberal arts mission. PLACE builds on the Linfield Curriculum to encourage the free exchange of ideas across disciplines, promote civic engagement, and pique intellectual curiosity through the exploration of thematic connections among modes of thinking and inquiry. Each year, the program identifies a broad interdisciplinary theme and uses it to highlight two or three different Linfield Curriculum designations. As there are eight designations, four-year students will see each of the designations highlighted during their time at Linfield. This theme then serves as a focal point for cross-campus events, innovation in integrated and experiential learning, and community dialogue. In so doing, PLACE above all aspires to provide a public good to the entire Linfield community.


Lectures from 2019

The Humanities in an Algorithmic World, Scott Hartley and Annika Yates

Climate and Compassion: Buddhist Contribution to an Ethics of Intergenerational Justice, Peter D. Hershock

Valuing Intelligence: Buddhist Reflection on the Attention Economy and Artificial Intelligence, Peter D. Hershock

The Liberal Arts and the Arts of Liberty, Susan McWilliams, Pedro Graterol, and Nicholas Buccola

The Task of Liberal Education: Reflections on the Nature of Freedom, Roosevelt Montás and Sara Gomez Horta

Slow Media: Why 'Slow' Is Satisfying, Sustainable, and Smart, Jennifer Rauch

"Well Grounded": Traditional Management of Root Vegetables in Northwestern North America, Nancy Turner

Lectures from 2018

Apprehending the Future in Higher Education: Fact and Fiction, Bryan Alexander

Transforming Oneself, Transforming Society?: Tamils, Tigers, and Militancy in Sri Lanka, Sharika Thiranagama

Constitution Day Conversation about Civility, Diversity, and Inclusion, Sharika Thiranagama, Brandon Turner, Pedro Graterol, and Aspen Brooks

Lectures from 2017

The Digital Sports Fan, Andrew Billings, Rob Moseley, Lisa Weidman, and Travis McGuire

The Quantified Self: Wearable Technology and Fitness Tracking, Evan Hilberg

Jane Claire Dirks-Edmunds Lecture: Suzanne Simard, Suzanne Simard

Fake News: What Is It, and Why Should We Care? A Discussion Panel, Susan Currie Sivek, Micaela Lueders, Mindy Legard Larson, Dawn Nowacki, and Jeremy B. Weisz

Collaborations in Language: From Documentation to Resurgence, Mark Turin

Lectures from 2016

Earth, Wind, Water and Fire: The Art and Science of the Japanese Sword, Michael G. Bell, Gabriel Bell, Jesús Ilundáin-Agurruza, Brian Winkenweder, and Christopher T. Keaveney

Investigating the Bottom-up Complexities and Adaptive Challenges of Contemporary Climate Change in Northeastern Siberia and Nunatsiavut, Canada, Susan Crate

Our Annual Crisis: Is U.S. Wildfire Policy Sustainable?, Bill Fleeger

How Do the Ancient Elements Motivate Costa Ricans' Migration to National Park Edges and Why Does It Matter?, David M. Hoffman

Coming of Enigma, David Perry

Cracking of Enigma, David Perry

Making a Real Difference on Earth Day and Every Day, Florence Reed

What to Think About, Tony Salvador

Millennials: #PutAPriceOnIt for Climate Justice, Camila Thorndike

Pay No Attention to the Algorithm behind the Curtain!, Patrick Wohlmut

Lectures from 2015

William F. Buckley and American Conservatism: Two Lectures, Patrick Allitt and William Hogeland

The Political Ideas of James Baldwin: Two Lectures, Lawrie Balfour and Susan McWilliams

The North American Food System in an Energy-Constrained Future, Jason Bradford

Philosophy of Science Panel Discussion, Leonard Finkelman, Jonathan Kaplan, Massimo Pigliucci, and Evan Tracy

War, Peace and Human Nature(s): What Do We Know and How Do We Know It?, Agustín Fuentes

What Race Is, and What It Is Not: How Do We Know and Why Does It Matter?, Agustín Fuentes

James Baldwin and #BlackLivesMatter, Eddie Glaude Jr.

Life and Death in Rock: Meditations on Tomb Stones, Kathleen Higgins

The Functionality of the Aesthetic in the Context of Mourning, Kathleen Higgins

The Dr. Jane Claire Dirks-Edmunds Collection, Samantha Noelle Hilton

The Political Ideas of William F. Buckley, Jr.: Two Lectures, Joe Lowndes and Will Barndt

Where Are All the Elephant-Poaching Hot Spots in Africa and What Should We Do about Them?, Samuel Wasser

Panel Discussion on Water, Jeremy Weisz, Sarah Coste, Anna Keesey, Robert O. Gardner, Eric Schuck, and Jennifer Heath

Lectures from 2014

Seeking Justice: Places of Conscience, Carol Ash

Street Art as a Metaphor of War, Ivan Colin and Marit Berning

Causes and Consequences of Cognitive Exploration: How Openness to Experience and Intellect Help Explain Human Personality, Colin DeYoung

Gender Equity Week: Pizza and Politics with Dr. Cynthia Enloe, Cynthia Enloe

Have We Already Forgotten Iraqi Women?: Some Feminist Warnings about Post-War American Amnesia, Cynthia Enloe

Radioactive Releases from Fukushima: Human Health and Environmental Impacts in Japan and Beyond, Kathryn Higley

The Global Rise of Religious Violence, Mark Juergensmeyer

Behind Barbed Wire, Lilly Kodama, Herbert Tsuchiya, and Yosh Nakagawa

Breaking the Silence, Nikki Nojima Lewis, Angie Bolton, Chisao Hata, David Hsieh, Stephen Sumida, Herbert Tsuchiya, and Linfield College Taiko Drummers

Artistic Responses to Tibetan Self-Immolations, Laura Lichti, Megan Hadley, and Steven Crowder

Why Men Kill: The Evolution of Violence and the Origins of War, Herbert Maschner

Knowing Your World through Social Media, Kelli Matthews, Rick Thomas, Megan Kozak Williams, and Jerry Casey

Olympism, Doping and the Spirit of Sport, Mike McNamee

Paralympism, Disability and the Ethics of Elective Amputation, Mike McNamee

Army-Navy Game: Sport as a Training for War, Spencer Metzsch, Colin S. Nelson, Jessica Phām, and Kaela Ingram

The Legacy of Rachel Carson: Do Environmentalists Make Any Difference?, Robert Musil

Population Susceptibility to Biological Warfare Agents, Sarah Patty, Jacob Priester, and Colin O'Brochta

A Politician Thinking: The Political Thought of James Madison, Jack Rakove

How Do We Know What the Constitution Means?, Jack Rakove

Olympic Sport and Its Lessons for Peace, Heather Reid

Never Again, Kiana J. Ringuette

PLACE: Engagement beyond the Classroom, Megan F. Schwab

Panel Discussion on Women and Power, Barbara Kitt Seidman, Dawn Nowacki, Susan Currie Sivek, and Brenda DeVore Marshall

Behind the Names: The Installation Process of Wafaa Bilal's I don't know their names, Katherine Takaoka

Nuclear Weapon Dismantlement Verification, Glen Warren

Wall on Terror: 9/11 Literature and the War on Terror, Camille Weber, Conner Purnell, and Jessie Johnston

12 Years a Prisoner: Guantanamo's Legacy of Re-Forged Chains, Michael Zier

Lectures from 2013

The Differences between Donkeys and Elephants: Where Genes and Politics Meet, Pete Hatemi

The Value of Universal Service, Will Marshall and Tom G. Palmer

Lectures from 2012

Has the War on Terror Undermined the U.S. Constitution?, Stephen F. Knott and Ofer Raban