iFOCUS Science Colloquium Lecture Series
Radioactive Releases from Fukushima: Human Health and Environmental Impacts in Japan and Beyond
Document Type
Video File
54 minutes 30 seconds
Publication Date
Environmental Engineering | Environmental Health and Protection | Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Environmental Monitoring | Epidemiology | Nuclear Engineering | Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene | Physics | Radiology | Risk Analysis
It has been three years since an earthquake and tsunami caused the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plants. The media has presented widely varying estimates of human health and ecologic impact. This talk provides an overview of the accident, the magnitude of radioactivity released into the environment, how radiation doses are determined, and the tools used by health physicists, radioecologists, and epidemiologists to assess impact.
Recommended Citation
Higley, Kathryn, "Radioactive Releases from Fukushima: Human Health and Environmental Impacts in Japan and Beyond" (2014). iFOCUS Science Colloquium Lecture Series. Video File. Submission 14.
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