"William F. Buckley and American Conservatism: Two Lectures" by Patrick Allitt and William Hogeland

Frederick Douglass Forum Lecture Series


William F. Buckley and American Conservatism: Two Lectures

Streaming Media

Document Type

Video File


1 hour 26 minutes 26 seconds

Publication Date



American Politics | Political History | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies | United States History


This panel presentation from the Symposium on James Baldwin, William F. Buckley, Jr., and the American Dream discusses William F. Buckley and the notion of American conservatism. Dr. Nicholas Buccola (associate professor of political science at Linfield College) serves as chair for the panel. Dr. Patrick Allitt (Cahoon Family Professor of American History at Emory University) presents William Buckley and the Decline of American Conservative Racism: 1955-95, while author William Hogeland presents On the Beaches, in the Hills, in the Mountains: William Buckley's Legacy in the Politics of Denial.


Sponsored by the Frederick Douglass Forum on Law, Rights, & Justice, the Linfield College Office of Academic Affairs, PLACE, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
