Faculty & Staff Presentations | Faculty & Staff Scholarship & Creative Works | Linfield University
Faculty & Staff Presentations

Faculty & Staff Presentations


View presentations and associated materials from faculty and staff in the Libraries at Linfield University.


Submissions from 2020

Core Voices: Infusing Indigenous Perspectives across the Curriculum, Ginny Norris Blackson

You Can Publish That: How Librarians Can Promote a Culture of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship, Kathleen Spring

Submissions from 2019


It's Time to Look That Gift Horse in the Mouth: Approaches to Managing Gifts, Kathleen Spring

Submissions from 2018


Deciphering Dense Data: Approaches to Visualization, Sara Amato and Kathleen Spring


Making the Most of Student Workers: Creative Approaches to Staffing, Kathleen Spring

Submissions from 2017


Meeting Your Class at the Crossroads: Using SLO/Frame Grids to Tailor Information Literacy Instruction, Patrick Wohlmut

Submissions from 2016


Engaging with the Dory Fleet: A Panel Discussion on a Collaborative College and Community Oral History Project, Brenda DeVore Marshall, Tyrone Marshall, Mary Beth Jones, Kathleen Spring, and Jackson B. Miller


New Strategies for Aligning Libraries with Institutional Goals, Roger Weaver, Kathleen Spring, and Maggie Trish

Pay No Attention to the Algorithm behind the Curtain!, Patrick Wohlmut


"Is This Something We Can Do?": Exploring the Possibilities of Faculty/Librarian Collaboration, Patrick Wohlmut and Kena Avila

Submissions from 2015


Paving a Two-Way Street: The Rewards and Challenges of Archival Projects with Community Partners, Eva Guggemos, Joanne Riley, Kathleen Spring, and Rachael Woody

Submissions from 2014


How Is That Going To Work?: Part II - Acquisitions Challenges and Opportunities in a Shared ILS, Kathleen Spring, Damon Campbell, Carol Drost, and Siôn Romaine

Submissions from 2013


How Is That Going to Work?: Rethinking Acquisitions in a Next-Generation ILS, Kathleen Spring, Megan Drake, and Siôn Romaine


Institutional Repositories Supporting Community Engagement: Campus and Community Partnerships at Linfield College, Kathleen Spring and Brenda DeVore Marshall

Submissions from 2012


Deep Engagement with Student Learning: Librarians as Instructors-of-Record for Writing-Intensive Undergraduate Courses, Jean Caspers and Susan Barnes Whyte


Collections Management for Newbies, Kathleen Spring and Kathleen Carlisle Fountain

Submissions from 2011


"Takin' It to the Web": Updating Operations Manuals for Today's Techno-Realities, Kathleen Spring