"Meeting Your Class at the Crossroads: Using SLO/Frame Grids to Tailor " by Patrick Wohlmut

Faculty & Staff Presentations

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Curriculum and Instruction | Higher Education | Information Literacy | Library and Information Science | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


One of the practical challenges presented by ACRL’s Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education is how to use it to design and assess instruction. By its nature, the framework is less prescriptive and more descriptive; it is more focused on understandings, habits, and general behaviors than on specific skills and practices, which makes it harder to pin down for purposes of instructional design. This workshop introduced a tool for teaching librarians that arose out of the Linfield College Libraries’ efforts to update the student learning outcomes for its information literacy program: The SLO-Frame Grid. Though the tool was still being developed at the time of presentation, librarians at Linfield have found in their initial work with the grid that it allows them to see the connections between learning outcomes for their teaching sessions and the Frames with greater visual and intuitive clarity, and that it has the potential to support teachers in using the Frames as lenses through which to focus their information literacy instruction. Participants in the workshop were introduced to the grid, practiced some different ways of using it, and were given the opportunity to discuss the grid’s use and to brainstorm other possible uses.


This presentation was given at the 11th annual ILAGO Information Literacy Summit, held at Washington State University Vancouver.

WohlmutMeetingYourClassAtTheCrossroadsGrid2017.pdf (218 kB)
This file contains the learning outcomes grid referenced in the presentation.



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