Linfield Libraries | Linfield University Research | DigitalCommons@Linfield
Linfield Libraries

Linfield Libraries

Jereld R. Nicholson Library on the McMinnville Campus and the Portland Campus library serve the research information needs of the Linfield community by providing the library resources and services necessary for teaching, learning, and scholarly achievement. First-year students learn library skills as part of the Linfield Curriculum Requirement. Independent library research is an integral part of many courses at Linfield; students in these courses learn to use appropriate library resources through extensive classroom and in-library instruction by librarians. Librarians also provide personal reference and research assistance for students using the institution's library collections, the Internet, and the resources available through worldwide interlibrary lending networks.


Browse the Linfield Libraries Collections:

Data Management Services

Faculty & Staff Scholarship & Creative Works

Linfield Archives

Promotional Posters

Readings at the Nick

READ Poster Gallery