Faculty & Staff Presentations
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Library and Information Science
What do acquisitions policies and workflows look like in next-generation systems? How can institutions leverage automated processes to improve efficiency, and what happens when you also belong to a consortium that is looking to increase collaboration? The Orbis Cascade Alliance is a consortium of 37 public and private academic institutions in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. In January 2012, the Alliance began a 2-year process of migrating all 37 institutions to a shared ILS. Migrating in 4 cohorts every 6 months, the first cohort of 6 institutions went live with Ex Libris’s Alma and Primo in June 2013. In this presentation, representatives from 3 of the 6 pioneering libraries discussed topics such as preparing for migration to a new system, changes in workflow, challenges and opportunities for a new system, and what may be coming down the pike for cooperative collection development in the Alliance.
Recommended Citation
Spring, Kathleen; Drake, Megan; and Romaine, Siôn, "How Is That Going to Work?: Rethinking Acquisitions in a Next-Generation ILS" (2013). Faculty & Staff Presentations. Presentation. Submission 5.
This presentation was given at the 33rd Annual Charleston Conference, in Charleston, South Carolina.