""Is This Something We Can Do?": Exploring the Possibilities of Faculty" by Patrick Wohlmut and Kena Avila

Faculty & Staff Presentations

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Curriculum and Instruction | Educational Methods | Higher Education | Information Literacy | Library and Information Science | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


The Jereld R. Nicholson Library’s teaching focus follows a strong introductory model, being well integrated in the first-year seminar classes and introductions to the major, though not necessarily across the upper division classes. This presentation tells the story of a collaboration during the course of an upper division education class at Linfield College in the fall of 2016. In addition to presenting some of the research on departmental faculty/librarian collaboration, Patrick Wohlmut and Kena Avila discussed the unique factors that made this collaboration one that was fulfilling, useful, and educational for both the teachers and the students. Though the class was delivered in a face-to-face format, Wohlmut and Avila interacted in ways that were more closely related to embedded librarianship and that involved Wohlmut in a more integrated way than simply teaching research skills in a one-shot session. Through this deeper involvement, instructor and librarian increased the value of these research sessions for their students and strengthened a vital connection between the Education department and the library moving forward. The presentation concluded with a discussion of challenges moving forward and takeaways for collaboration in other levels and courses.


This presentation was given at the 10th annual ILAGO Information Literacy Summit, held at Central Oregon Community College in Bend, Oregon.

WohlmutAvilaIsThisSomethingWeCanDoWorksheet2016.pdf (218 kB)
This file contains the worksheet referenced in the presentation.



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