Faculty Publications
View publications from faculty in the English Department at Linfield University.
Submissions from 2021
Civility, Free Speech and Academic Freedom in Higher Education: Faculty on the Margins, Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt and Kakali Bhattacharya
Submissions from 2020
Colonized Loyalty: Asian American Anti-Blackness and Complicity, Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt
Implicit Bias Training for Woke Faculty, Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt
In Our Own Words: Institutional Betrayals, Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt
Not So Minor Feelings, Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt
Unjust Universities, Zachary S. Ritter and Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt
Unjust Universities: Part II, Zachary S. Ritter and Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt
Thieve, Joe Wilkins
Submissions from 2019
Academic Prioritization or Killing the Liberal Arts?, Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt
In the Name of Merit: Racial Violence in the Academy, Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt
'Mary Poppins' and a Nanny's Shameful Flirting with Blackface, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
Rewriting Greek Tragedies as Immigrant Stories, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
The Mixed Reception of the Hamilton Premiere in Puerto Rico, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
Fall Back Down When I Die: A Novel, Joe Wilkins
Submissions from 2018
Until We Are Level Again, José Angel Araguz
Are You Supporting White Supremacy?, Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt
Challenging Calls for Civility, Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt
When Free Speech Disrupts Diversity Initiatives: What We Value and What We Do Not, Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt
My Grandfather Was an Illegal Immigrant: Guest Opinion, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
Oregon Shakespeare Festival: Changing the Social Order, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
Quoting Shakespeare in the British Novel from Dickens to Wodehouse, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
The Hidden History of 'Oklahoma!', Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
From Big Ag to Campus Cafeterias: Intersections of Food-Supply Networks as Technical Communication Pedagogy, Jessie Lynn Richards, Joshua Lenart, David Sumner, and Douglas Christensen
Submissions from 2017
Naos Explains Everything Via Crumbs, José Angel Araguz
Small Fires, José Angel Araguz
Extreme Vetting, Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt
The Leslie A. Marchand Memorial Lectures, 2000-2015 : A Legacy in Byron Studies, Katherine Kernberger
The Book That Made Me: A Girl, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
Environmental and Nature Writing : A Writer's Guide and Anthology, Sean Prentiss and Joe Wilkins
Salt Moons: Poems 1981-2016, Lex Runciman
Submissions from 2016
Alien, José Angel Araguz
Blade, José Angel Araguz
Cazar Means to Hunt Not to Marry, José Angel Araguz
Cornflower, José Angel Araguz
El Rio, José Angel Araguz
Freckles, José Angel Araguz
La Llorona at the Saloon, José Angel Araguz
Leave, José Angel Araguz
Midnight, José Angel Araguz
Night Sky Manifesto, José Angel Araguz
On Being Called Jorge, José Angel Araguz
Story of the Salt Doll, José Angel Araguz
The Book of Flight, José Angel Araguz
The Divorce Suite, José Angel Araguz
The Music Inside, José Angel Araguz
The Story of Eyes, José Angel Araguz
Distinguished Poet José Angel Araguz: The Interview, José Angel Araguz, A. Molotkov, and John Sibley Williams
"A Bastard Jargon”: Language Politics and Identity in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Rachel Norman
Arts: Fiction and Fiction Writers: The Americas, Rachel Norman
Behold, Steve Bannon’s Hip-Hop Shakespeare Rewrite: 'Coriolanus', Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
Harry Potter and Hamilton from the Stage to the Page, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
Lin-Manuel Meets Moana, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
When We Were Birds, Joe Wilkins
Submissions from 2015
Canicas, José Angel Araguz
Everything We Think We Hear, José Angel Araguz
Gentleman, José Angel Araguz
Joe, José Angel Araguz
Our Lady, José Angel Araguz
Raro, José Angel Araguz
Reasons (Not) to Dance, José Angel Araguz
Fresh Shakespeare from the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
Shakespeare in the Nineteenth Century; Shakespeare, Time and the Victorians: A Pictorial Exploration, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
Far Enough: A Western in Fragments, Joe Wilkins
Submissions from 2014
Abandoned Church, José Angel Araguz
Corpus Christi Octaves, José Angel Araguz
Don't Look Now I Might Be Mexican, José Angel Araguz
Naos: An Introduction, José Angel Araguz
The Far Edges of the Fourth Genre: An Anthology of Explorations in Creative Nonfiction, Sean Prentiss and Joe Wilkins
One Hour That Morning: And Other Poems, Lex Runciman
Leviathan, Joe Wilkins
We Had to Go on Living, Joe Wilkins
Where Paradise Lay, Joe Wilkins
Wish, Joe Wilkins
Submissions from 2013
The Journal of Marie Bashkirtseff: I Am The Most Interesting Book of All, Volume I & Lust For Glory, Volume II, Katherine Kernberger, Marie Bashkirtseff, and Vincent Nicolosi
Jane Austen, the Prose Shakespeare, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
Summer of Shrew, Part 1: A Tale of Two Cities, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
Summer of Shrew, Part 2: Tamed? Really?, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
Summer of Shrew, Part 3: A Sly Conceit, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
Summer of Shrew, Part 4: Which End’s Up?, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
The Limits of Violence: People and Property in Edward Abbey's "Monkeywrenching" Novels, David Thomas Sumner
Eco-terrorism or Eco-tage: An Argument for the Proper Frame, David Thomas Sumner and Lisa M. Weidman
Dream On, Joe Wilkins
Notes from the Bulls: The Unedited Journals of Verl Newman, Joe Wilkins
Submissions from 2012
Little Century, Anna Keesey
Shakespeare Burlesque and the Performing Self, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
American Myth-Busting, Joe Wilkins
Eleven Kinds of Sky, Joe Wilkins
Notes from the Journey Westward, Joe Wilkins
The Mountain and the Fathers: Growing up on the Big Dry: A Memoir, Joe Wilkins
Submissions from 2011
Dickens and Shakespeare’s Household Words, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
All the Forces at Work Here, Joe Wilkins
Killing the Murnion Dogs, Joe Wilkins
Submissions from 2010
The Postcolonial Citizen: The Intellectual Migrant, Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt
The Place and the Photograph, Lex Runciman
My Mother's Story: Retold and Annotated, Joe Wilkins
The Book of Water, Joe Wilkins
Submissions from 2009
'Another Key' to Act Five of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
Starting from Anywhere, Lex Runciman
Why Do That?, Lex Runciman
Location and Landscape in Literary Americanisms: H. L. Davis and F. Scott Fitzgerald, David T. Sumner