English Department Faculty Publications | Faculty Scholarship & Creative Works | Linfield University
Faculty Publications

Faculty Publications


View publications from faculty in the English Department at Linfield University.


Submissions from 2009


Out West, Joe Wilkins

Submissions from 2008


Of Blood and Bone, Joe Wilkins

Submissions from 2007


Gloves, José Angel Araguz

Inspired Pragmatism: An Illustrated History of Linfield College, Marvin Henberg and Barbara Kitt Seidman


Dickens's Hamlet Burlesque, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner

Submissions from 2006

Ragged Point Road, Joe Wilkins

Submissions from 2005

Open Questions: Readings for Critical Thinking and Writing, Chris Anderson and Lex Runciman


"That Could Happen": Nature Writing, the Nature Fakers, and a Rhetoric of Assent, David Thomas Sumner

Submissions from 2004

Out of Town, Lex Runciman

Submissions from 2002


Activism, Fly Fishing, and Fiction: A Conversation with David James Duncan, David Thomas Sumner


Testimony, Refuge, and the Sense of Place: A Conversation with Terry Tempest Williams, David Thomas Sumner


Testimony, Landscape and the West: A Conversation with Stephen Trimble, David Thomas Sumner

Submissions from 2001


Facts, Shapes, Our Relationship with the Landscape: A Conversation with David Quammen, David Thomas Sumner


Nature Writing, American Literature, and the Idea of Community: A Conversation with Barry Lopez, David Thomas Sumner

Submissions from 2000

A Forest of Voices: Conversations in Ecology, Chris Anderson and Lex Runciman

Asking Questions: A Rhetoric for the Intellectual Life, Lex Runciman and Chris Anderson

Submissions from 1998


Dominion, Dressing, Keeping, David Thomas Sumner