Faculty Publications
Publication Date
Creative Writing | Poetry
This poem by José Angel Araguz originally appeared in Apple Valley Review: A Journal of Contemporary Literature.
José Angel Araguz comments on "Our Lady":
The vision in this poem really happened; I remember my aunt coming home from a trip to Mexico visibly shaken. I was raised by only my mother and aunt, with my aunt being the hard-nosed disciplinarian. To see her shook up was something new. One detail that lives around the poem but didn’t make it in is that she quit heavy drinking for a while after this incident.
Document Type
Published Version
Original Citation
José Angel Araguz
Our Lady.
Apple Valley Review: A Journal of Contemporary Literature, 2015, volume 10, issue 2
DigitalCommons@Linfield Citation
Araguz, José Angel, "Our Lady" (2015). Faculty Publications. Published Version. Submission 27.
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