"The Book That Made Me: A Girl" by Daniel Pollack-Pelzner

Faculty Publications

Publication Date



American Popular Culture | Children's and Young Adult Literature | English Language and Literature | Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


In this installment of The Book That Made Me, a series from Public Books reflecting on the books that have changed our lives, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner reflects on the freedom he received—to become a whole other person, in a whole other place—from an unexpected source.

Document Type

Published Version


This article is the publisher-created version, also considered to be the final version or the version of record. It includes value-added elements provided by the publisher, such as copy editing, layout changes, and branding consistent with the rest of the publication.

Original Citation

Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
The book that made me: A girl.
Public Books, 2017-04-03



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