Student Presentations in Biology at Linfield University | Student Scholarship & Creative Works | Linfield University
Student Presentations

Student Presentations


This collection contains presentations by students in Biology at Linfield University.


Events from 2024

The Micro-scale and Macro-scale Changes of Rocky Subtidal Communities Following the Outbreak of Sea Star Wasting Syndrome, Hanali Bennick and Jeremy B. Weisz

Quantifying Fungi in Biodynamic Vineyard Soil, Emma Robbins

Events from 2023

Mutations in Mre11 Induce Genomic Instability, Hannah Karp, Frances Remmick, Andrea Quintana Morales, and Sreerupa Ray


Annotation of the Microtubule Star (mts) Gene in Drosophila Ananassae Using Drosophila Melanogaster as a Reference Organism for Comparative Genomics, Danesh Khazaei and Catherine Reinke

Sponge Unknown: Identifying Oregon Coast Sponges, Myron Manera and Jeremy B. Weisz


Putative Roles of Parasitoid Wasp Venom Proteins in the Modulation of Biological Pathways, riley omonaka and Catherine Reinke

Does a Drosophila Melanogaster Mutant Exhibit a General Defect in MicroRNA-Mediated Gene Silencing?, Ruthanne Zareyna

Events from 2022

Elucidating the role of Exo1 and Mre11 mutations in DNA damage response, Frances Remmick, Andrea Quintana Morales, Kylie Davis, Ariel Miyama, and Sreerupa Ray

Annotation of Rheb (Ras homolog enhanced in brain) and its Genomic Neighborhood in Two Species of Drosophila, Llaelyn Sierra-Cortez and Catherine Reinke

Events from 2021


Gene Annotation of GlyS in Drosophila Species, Bronwyn M. Boyd, Hanna Shields, Lottie R. Steward, and Catherine Reinke


Sending Mixed Signals: A Study of the Melanocortin-1-Receptor, Savannah Simmons, Isabella Kloha, and Whitney Wells

Events from 2020

Genome Annotation and Comparative Genomics: Building Gene Models to Understand the Evolution of Genes, Genetic Pathways, and Genomes, Kylee Duey, Lottie Steward, and Catherine Reinke


Detecting Reactive Oxygen Species in Yeast at Early Growth Points, Lottie R. Steward

Examining the Impacts of Environmental Variations and Farming Practices on Wine Grapevine Microbiomes, Caitlin Wulf, Grace Rieman, and Jeremy B. Weisz

Events from 2019

Genome Annotation of Drosophila takahashi, Bronwyn Boyd and Catherine Reinke


Fluorescent Visualization of In Vitro Mitochondrial DNA Transcription, Kelsey Bruce

Characterization of Mre11 Gene Variants in Cancer, Cristina Mateos, Ashley Headrick, Itzel Romero, Sydney Kuehn, and Sreerupa Ray

Exploring Yeast Diversity at Brick House Vineyards, a Biodynamic Vineyard in Newberg, Oregon, Alexandra Morse


Fluorescent Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Applied to Chronological Lifespan, Kelly Schultz and Megan Bestwick

Copper Modulation to Effect Yeast Lifespan, Zachary Sherlock and Megan Bestwick


How Changes in Plant Community Structure Affect Ant Communities, Chadwick V. Tillberg, Alena Salazar, and Austin Hilton

Comparing Feeding Patterns among Two Sponge Species in the Lower Florida Keys, Vanessa Van Horn, Anna Peckham, Carmen Hoffbeck, and Jeremy Weisz

Events from 2018


Identification of an Alternative Exon in a GABA Receptor Gene, Shannon Apgar and Cecilia P. Toro

Effects of Viticulture Techniques on the Microbiome of Pinot Noir, Shea T. Gischer and Jeremy B. Weisz

Exploring Yeasts in Brickhouse Vineyards, Alexandra Morse and Jeremy B. Weisz


Determining the Location of GABA Receptor mRNA Transcripts in Danio rerio, Jack O'Keefe

Potential Niche Partitioning among Sponge Species in the Lower Florida Keys, Clara Prentiss, Carmen Hoffbeck, Malcolm Hill, and Jeremy B. Weisz

Zebrafish Rheotaxis in the Presence of GABA Receptor Modulators, Austin Ramsay


Identification of Protein Interactions for the Mitochondrial Transcription Factor TFAM and Mutants, Shae Reece and Megan Bestwick

Determining the Role of Retinoid x Receptor Alpha in Mitochondrial DNA Transcription, Sarah Rempelos and Megan Bestwick


Fluorescent Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Applied to Chronological Lifespan, Kelly Schultz and Megan Bestwick


How Changes in Plant Community Structure Affect Ant Communities, Chadwick V. Tillberg, Michael Molgaard, Jordan Clark, and Liam Home

Molecular Characterization and Elevated Cancer Risk Associated with DNA Repair Gene Variants, Sophie Yusem, Sydney Kuehn, Cristina Mateos, Sahaj Wanchu, Andrea Monteblanco, and Sreerupa Ray

Events from 2017

Use of CRISPR-Cas9 Machinery to Generate Potential IFIT3 Knockout in A549 Cells, Lauren Bishop, Victoria J. Wood, Emma Keyes, and Leslie Perez-Cervantes

Comparing the Microbiomes of Grapes in Biodynamic vs. Sustainable Vineyards, Shea Gischer and Jeremy B. Weisz


A Functional Ecological Comparison of three Sponge Species from the Lower Florida Keys, Tyler William Griffin, Clara Prentiss, Malcolm Hill, and Jeremy Weisz

Tracking Nuclear Inclusion X (NIX), a Potential Pathogen of Pacific Razor Clams, Carmen A. Hoffbeck, Tyler W. Griffin, Steve Fradkin, and Jeremy Weisz


Examination of the Monoamine Oxidase a Gene Promoter on Motivation to Exercise and Levels of Voluntary Physical Activity, Erin M. Kinney, Sarah Coste, and Catherine Reinke

Method for Targeted Disruption of IFIT1, Renee K. LaFountain, Alexis D. Rollins, Ashley C. Weeks, and Michael W. Morin


In Vitro Analysis of the Thyroid Hormone Receptor in Mitochondrial Transcription, Dylan LeGrady, Adan A. Martinez, Kelsey Bruce, and Megan Bestwick


Which GABA Receptors Are Expressed in the Zebrafish Lateral Line?, Megan Schwehr, Connell Crabtree, Tenzin Yangchen, Kyler Hayes, Jaren Ikenaga, and Cecilia Toro

The Effects of Non-expression of the IFI44 Gene in Lung Cells by Using CRISPR-cas9, Jacob K. Smith and Jorge Rodriguez

Regena/NOT2 Is Essential for Gene Silencing by MicroRNAs, Cami Soriano, Katherine Andersen, and Catherine Reinke


How Changes in Plant Community Structure Affect Ant Communities, Chadwick V. Tillberg, Renee LaFountain, Kathy Trinh, and Jack O'Keefe

Investigating a Viral Response Gene Using the CRISPR Editing Process, Anna Vanderschaegen, Shae Reece, and Sarah Rempelos


Role of Copper and Tor Signaling in Reactive Oxygen Species Induced Cell Aging, Matthew E. Walser and Megan Bestwick

Use of CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing System to Characterize the Human CXCL10 Viral Response Gene, Matthew E. Walser, Courtney Stroh, Nikita Singh, and Ana Martinez


Quantification of DNA Products Using Ion-Pair Reverse Phase Liquid Chromatography, Henry Wienkers and Megan Bestwick

CRISPR-Cas9 Induced Mutations of IFI27 Gene, Brandyn A. Wyatt, Jack O'Keefe, Adan A. Martinez, and Kiana Antonio

Science Communication in Evolutionary Biology: 3-Minute Talks, Gregor M. Yanega, Kathy Trinh, Matthew E. Walser, Joanna Galli, Austin Ramsay, Riley Newman, Nikita Singh, Renee K. LaFountain, Dylan LeGrady, Tess Newberry, Anna Korn, Jack O'Keefe, and Cami Soriano

Events from 2016

Exploration of the Role of the CCR4-NOT Deadenylase Complex Subunit Regena/NOT2 in MicroRNA-Mediated Gene Silencing, James Knox, Katherina Rees, Tika Zibornik, Michael Morin, Sean Bowden, and Catherine Reinke

Is the Zebrafish a Good Model Organism to Study the Role of GABA in the Inner Ear?, Megan Schwehr, Kyler Hayes, Bryn Yamaguchi, Jaren Ikenaga, and Cecilia Toro


How Changes in Plant Community Structure Affect Terrestrial Invertebrate Food Webs, Chadwick V. Tillberg, Sarah Rasmussen-Rehkopf, Kiera Thurman, Renee LaFountain, and Cheryl Schultz

Quantification of In-Vitro Transcription RNA Produced Using Ion-pair Reverse Phase Liquid Chromatography, Henry Wienkers and Megan Bestwick

Events from 2015


The Effects of BACE and Its Targets on Age-related Seizures in Drosophila, Trey Anthony Chiu and Dana Gibbon

Response of the Sponge Microbiome to Nutrient Additions, Mariah H. Denhart

The Effect of Rapamycin on Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain (ETC) Activity and Superoxide Production, Lauren Madison DeVore

Testing the Response of a Sensor of Silencing to a Defect in Target Message Deadenylation, James D. Knox


Identifying a New Gene Required for microRNA-mediated Gene Silencing in Drosophila melanogaster, Michael W. Morin, Sean Bowden, and Catherine Reinke

Is the Observed Silencing Activity of Regena/NOT2 Dependent upon the Activity of MicroRNAs?, Katherina Rees

Validation of a Requirement for Regena/NOT-2 in miRNA Mediated Gene Silencing, Rhese D. Thompson


How Changes in Plant Community Structure Affect Terrestrial Invertebrate Food Webs, Chad Tillberg, Dillon Alegre, Henry Simons, and Casey Thein


A Molecular Probe Finds Evidence of NIX Pathogen in Pacific Razor Clams (Siliqua patula) in Oregon, Mitchell VandenBerg and Andrew Carlston


Developing an Analytical Method for Separating and Quantifying RNA Generated in In Vitro Transcription Reactions, Henry Wienkers

Are the Requirements for microRNA-Mediated Gene Silencing Uniform Across Different Cell Types and Developmental Time Points?, Tika Zbornik

Events from 2014

An In Vivo Approach to the Discovery and Characterization of Cellular Mechanisms Regulating microRNA-Mediated Gene Silencing, Austin J. Browning, Katherina Rees, and Julie Sadino


Determining Amino Acid Propensity for Propagation of the Prion Sup35 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Emily K. Davis, James D. Knox, and Kyle S. MacLea

Sponges as Bioindictors of Estuarine Nitrogen Pollution, Mariah H. Denhart, Matthew K. Creech, and Amy M. Hammerquist

Analysis of the Effects of Mithramycin on Ewing’s Sarcoma Cell Lines, Mary E. Depner


Targeted Mutagenesis of the Oligopeptide Repeat Domain of the Yeast Prion Sup35, James D. Knox and Emily Davis


Purification of Cortactin Using Anion Exchange Chromatography, Jacob Priester

Developing Genetic Resources in the Threatened Whitebark Pine, John Syring, Camille Scelfo-Dalbey, Kylie Nomi, Evan Tracy, and Carli McCormick


Genetic Analysis of Mechanisms of Gene Silencing in a First-Year Scientific Research Learning Community, Tika Zbornik and Rhese Thompson

Events from 2013

Deciphering the Role of Insulin Signaling in microRNA-Mediated Gene Silencing in Drosophila Melanogaster, Austin J. Browning, Katherina Rees, Riley Self, and Catherine A. Reinke


Tidal Variation in Nitrogen Cycling in Oregon Sponges, Stacia Cowgill, Matthew Creech, and Amy Hammerquist


Mapping the Beta-Sheet Structure of the Yeast Prion Sup35 through Creation of Targeted Mutant Forms, Emily K. Davis, James D. Knox, and Daniel Palacios

Investigation of a Putative Role for the Protein Kinase TOR (Target of Rapamycin) in microRNA-Mediated Gene Silencing in Drosophila Melanogaster, Mary E. Depner and Catherine A. Reinke


An Analysis of Putative Roles for the CCR4-NOT Deadenylase-Complex Subunit Regena (NOT2) in microRNA-Mediated Gene Silencing in Drosophila Melanogaster, Jasper Erickson, Colleen Gillmore, James D. Knox, and Catherine A. Reinke

Events from 2012


Marine Sponges as Bioindicators of Nitrogen within Estuaries on the Oregon Coast, Amy Hammerquist, Stacia Cowgill, and Matthew Creech

Events from 2011

Cortactin and Aurora Kinase Localization in Cancer Cells, Kathryn Baker, John Frank, Bonnie Hastings, and Jannell Wilder

KillerRed Mediated Neurodegeneration in Canenorhabditis Elegans, Adrienne Berthot, Adrienne Cheney, and Mitchell Edwards


An In Vitro Reporter Cell System for Analysis of Functional Ly49 Receptor Binding of Cognate Ligands in Cis and Tran, Benjamin Edmonds, Colleen Fullenkamp, Natalya V. Guseva, and Jonathan W. Heusel

Phosphorylation of the Actin Binding Protein Cortactin by Aurora Kinase, John Frank, Kathryn Baker, Bonnie Hastings, and Jannell Wilder

Human Causes of the Emergence of Microbial Infectious Disease: War, Climate Change, and Socio-Ecologic Changes, Halee Hyatt and Arian Anderson