Student Presentations in Psychology at Linfield University | Student Scholarship & Creative Works | Linfield University
Student Presentations

Student Presentations


This collection contains presentations by students in Psychology at Linfield University.


Events from 2024

Memory & Media, Karma Elven


"All Hail the Real Queens of the Universe”: The Impact and Lived Experience of Social Media On Body Dissatisfaction and Mood., Rosemary Porter and Katie Lingmai

Events from 2022

Perceived Realism as a Moderator of the Association between Media Exposure and Beliefs about Sexual Interactions and Assault, Madison P. Aradine, Sofia G. Nelson, Madelyn A. Foltz, Sophia J. Collins, Nissa Jensen, and Melissa Gutierrez

Did She Ask for It?: A Content Analysis of Sexual Assault Myths in Popular Television, Zee E. Nace, Emily K. Gehrig, Sofia G. Nelson, Madelyn A. Foltz, Sophia J. Collins, and Madison P. Aradine

Interaction of Personality Traits on Behavioral Choices in Economic Games, Maya Pillon and Maggie Fiocchi

Drinking in the Dark Model to Study Binge-like Consumption of Ethanol and Pharmacotherapies for Alcohol Use Disorder in Outbred Rats, Madison Rodriguez, Jenae Kesey, and Olivia Edgington


What is an adult?: Attributes voted most central to the construct of adulthood, Katie Russell, Paris Green, Allie Walter, Yanna Weisberg, Cara Ray, and Maya Pillon

Events from 2021

Associations among Motivations for Media Use, Academic Self-Efficacy, Procrastination, and Grit in College Students, Josie Ciaciuch, Tessa Doerfler, and Mariana Fernandez

Associations between Media Exposure and Attitudes about Sexual Interactions and Assault, Nissa Jensen, Melissa Gutierrez, Alexis Matthiesen-Johnson, and McCall Bennion

Peer-led Bystander Intervention Training: Best Practices and Application, Madison Reimer, Yanna Weisberg, Jackson B. Miller, and Angela McKelvey


What Is an Adult?: A Prototype Analysis of Attributes of Adulthood, Katie Russell, Allie Walter, and Paris Green

Events from 2020


Considering Valence: Improving the Twenty Statements Test (TST) as a Measure of State Self-Objectification and Physical Competence, Angelica Gomez Horta, Sungmin Daniel Park, Jesse Renee Vezo, Christina E. Swafford, Tanya L. Tompkins, and Jennifer Ruh Linder

EAMMi an Adult Yet?: The Relationship Between Features of Emerging Adulthood, Markers of Adulthood, and Age, Skyler McShane, Maya Pillon, Yanna J. Weisberg, and Cara Ray

Events from 2019

Depression and Anxiety Are Not the Same: Mental Health and College Student Well-Being over Time, Catherine Dirksen


Opiate Drug Seeking and Addiction: The Influence of Sucrose Consumption on the Acquisition and Expression of Morphine-induced Conditioned Place Preferences (CPP), Shareeta Senthithasan, Isabel R. Berger, Stephanie Wolff, and Lee Bakner

An Experimental Study of the Priming Effects of Objectified Words, Shareeta Senthithasan, Monique Vega, Lara Martz, Diana Vazquez Duque, Tanya Tompkins, and Jennifer Ruh Linder

“I Am a Hot Box of Rice”: Influence of Makeup Advertisements on Women’s Self-Objectifying Statements, Diana Vazquez Duque, Lara Martz, Shareeta Senthithasan, Monique Vega, Tanya L. Tompkins, and Jennifer Ruh Linder

Events from 2018

You and Your Interactions: Big Five Aspects, Attachment Insecurity, and the Need to Belong, Catherine Dirksen and Yanna Weisberg


Effects of Body Shape on Literal Objectification: When Ideal May Be Less Than Ideal, Jamie Dunn, Xin Wei Ong, Veronica Horton, Stephanie Hernandez Carbajal, Monique Vega, Tanya L. Tompkins, Jennifer Ruh Linder, Kay Livesay, and Megan Kozak Williams

Events from 2017


Effects of Early-Adolescent, Mid-Adolescent, or Adult Stress on Morphine Conditioned Place Preference, Sarah Becker, Chloe N. Shields, and Lee Bakner


Using Interactive 3D Software to Create Manipulatable Human Figures for Body Perception Research, Kay Livesay and Grayson P. Lein

Trait Affiliation as a Predictor of Social Goals and Romantic Relationship Qualities, Rhianna J. Mathisen


Selfie-Objectification: Does Taking One’s Own Picture Increase Levels of State Self-Objectification among College Females?, Anastasia C. Reynolds, Margaret Abeles, Mariah DeWeese, Maren Geesey, Megan Kozak Williams, Tanya Tompkins, and Jennifer Ruh Linder

Events from 2015


How Might Different Cultural Worldviews Affect Collaborative Inhibition, Kin Leong Chan

What Do You Think about Ink?, Alison Lee Filipski, Patricia Roberts, Kin Leong Chan, Tanya Tompkins, Megan Kozak Williams, and Kay Livesay


Exposure to Sexualized Images of Athletes Negatively Affects Adolescent Male Athletes’ Appraisals of Self and Others, Ashli A. Johnsen, Jennifer Linder, and Elizabeth Daniels


Non-binary Living in a Binary World: The Unlabeled Experience, Sawyer D. Piwetz, Katricia D.F. Stewart, Yanna J. Weisberg, and Tanya L. Tompkins

The Effects of Domain Specific Working Memory on Our Ability to Perceive Color, Taryn K. Takara


Adolescent Stress Enhances Morphine Conditioned Place Preference in Rats, Haylie Watson, Sarah Becker, Kendra Dahl, Kayla Dewolf, Chloe Shields, and Lee Bakner

Events from 2014


The Separate or Concurrent Effects of Methylphenidate and Alcohol on Acquisition and Retention of the Morris Water Maze in Adolescent Rats, Matthew K. Creech and Lindsay Scott


Mood, Attention, and the Aha! Moment, Eureka C.Y. Foong


Personality, Well-Being, and Music Involvement, Katricia Stewart, Erin Harris, Melissa Green, and Yanna J. Weisberg

Prospective Co-Rumination Tendencies and Adjustment Style in the First Semester of College Freshmen, Kristen Ursino, Zoë Erikson, and Yanna Weisberg

Events from 2013


A Cross-Cultural Look at Co-rumination, Self-Disclosure, Friendship, Relational Concerns and Emotional Adjustment, Mengni T. Brown and Tanya L. Tompkins


“Here I Come to Save the Day!” Does Parental Mediation Moderate Associations between Superhero Exposure and Behavior in Young Boys?, Helena Frueh, Cynthia Garcia, Jennifer Linder, and Sarah Coyne


Force of Beauty or Object of Desire? The Priming Effects of Makeup Video Advertisements on Self-Objectification in College Women, Jenna D. Johnson, Jessica C. Lucas, Zachary E. Brandon, Adrianna M. Mendoza, Kadi M. White, and Tanya L. Tompkins


Oregon Psychologists on Prescriptive Authority: Divided Views and Little Knowledge, Jessica C. Lucas, Jenna D. Johnson, Amber N. Hay, Allyna M. Murray, Robyn A. Dolson, and Tanya L. Tompkins

Tattoos as a Behavioral Addiction, Allyna M. Murray and Tanya L. Tompkins

Events from 2012


Data-Driven Change in Oregon Psychologists’ Knowledge and Attitudes about Prescriptive Authority, Robyn A. Dolson, Jenna D. Johnson, and Tanya L. Tompkins


Internal and External Factors Associated with Illicit Prescription Drug Use in College Students, Robyn A. Dolson, Eric Tompkins, and Tanya L. Tompkins

Expectations about Disclosure: Does Gender Moderate the Relationship between Expectations and Co-Rumination, Allison Elliott and Jessica C. Lucas


Reducing Stigma toward the Transgender Community: An Evaluation of a Humanizing and Perspective-Taking Intervention, Kimberly Hillman and Fatemah Ordoubadi

Events from 2011


In the Wake of a Veto: What Do Oregon Psychologists Think and Know about Prescription Privileges for Psychologists?, Robyn A. Dolson, Tanya Tompkins, and Emily R. Hopping


Concurrent and Prospective Associations among Co-rumination, Adjustment, and Friendship in Emerging Adults, Tanya Tompkins and Mengni Tang