DigitalCommons@Linfield - Linfield University Student Symposium: A Celebration of Scholarship and Creative Achievement: Considering Valence: Improving the Twenty Statements Test (TST) as a Measure of State Self-Objectification and Physical Competence

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Data from three separate experiments with women were examined to explore the utility of self-rated valence of statements generated by the TST, a commonly-used measure of state self-objectification. Coder and participant ratings demonstrated moderate agreement and were equally sensitive to priming manipulations. Suggestions for improvement of future research are discussed.


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May 22nd, 1:30 PM May 22nd, 2:00 PM

Considering Valence: Improving the Twenty Statements Test (TST) as a Measure of State Self-Objectification and Physical Competence

Data from three separate experiments with women were examined to explore the utility of self-rated valence of statements generated by the TST, a commonly-used measure of state self-objectification. Coder and participant ratings demonstrated moderate agreement and were equally sensitive to priming manipulations. Suggestions for improvement of future research are discussed.