Content Posted in 2012
1987 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
1988 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
1989 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
1990 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinor Noir Celebration
1991 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
1992 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
1993 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
1994 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
1994 IPNC Panel Discussion, Doreen Wynja
1995 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
1996 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
1997 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
1998 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
1999 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
2000 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
2001 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
2002 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
2003 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
2004 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
2005 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
2006 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
2007 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
2008 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
2009 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
2010 International Pinot Noir Celebration Program, International Pinot Noir Celebration
2011-2012 President's Report, Mardi Mileham and Laura Davis
2011 Annual Juried Student Exhibition (View 01), Kathleen Spring
2011 Annual Juried Student Exhibition (View 02), Kathleen Spring
2011 Annual Juried Student Exhibition (View 03), Kathleen Spring
2012 Summer Student Staff READ Poster, Paula Terry and Nicholson Library Staff
2012: Year of the Dragon, Michael K. Carrillo, Kate Straube, Ashley Kimi, and Cameron Howser
Above and Below; All that Has Happened (Debajo y por Encima de Todo Lo que Ha Oscurrido), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
A Case for Undocumented Students in Higher Education: The Pursuit of Social Justice in Oregon Senate Bill 742, Clara Martinez
Acer Palmatum Sango-Kaku (Coral Bark Japanese Maple), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
A Comparison of Middle School Mathematics Education in the United States, Japan, China and Malaysia, Maylyn Foo
A Content Analysis of Indirect, Verbal, and Physical Aggression in Television Programs Popular among School-Aged Girls, Jennifer Ruh Linder and Kelsey Ann Lyle
A Dormitory Room, Hedwig Lundgvist
A Dynamin-3 Spliced Variant Modulates the Actin/Cortactin-Dependent Morphogenesis of Dendritic Spines, Noah W. Gray, Anne E. Kruchten, Jing Chen, and Mark A. McNiven
Aerial View of Campus 01, Unknown
Aerial View of Campus 02, Unknown
Aerial View of Campus 03, Unknown
Aerial View of Campus 04, Unknown
Aerial View of Campus 05, Unknown
Aerial View of Campus 06, Unknown
Aerial View of Campus 07, Unknown
Aerial View of Campus 08, Unknown
Aerial View of Campus 09, Unknown
Aerial View of Campus 10, Unknown
Aerial View of Campus 11, Unknown
Aerial View of Campus 12, Unknown
Aerial View of Campus 13, Unknown
Aerial View of Campus 14, Unknown
Aerial View of Campus 15, Unknown
Aerial View of Campus 16, Unknown
Aerial View of Campus 17, Unknown
Aerial View of Campus 18, Unknown
Aerial View of Campus, 1946, Unknown
Aerial View of Pioneer Hall, 1952, Unknown
A Fish Story of Fish Stories, Michael W. Cellers
A Letter for Students Considering Studying Abroad in France, Ansley Clark
Alumni News, Linfield Magazine Staff and Travis McGuire
Alumni News, Linfield Magazine Staff and Debbie Hansen Harmon '90
Alumni Profile, Laura Davis
Alumni Profile, Laura Davis
Amapolas, Ronald Mills de Pinyas
A Maskless Photolithography Apparatus for the Microfabrication of Electrical Leads, Kyel Lambert
A Mind for Language: How Language Shapes Our Reality, Eric Tompkins
A Moment in Ecuador, Rosa Gimson
Amy Orr READ Poster, Paula Terry and Nicholson LIbrary Staff
An Additional Construction to the School of Nursing, Unknown
Andy Humphrey Walking Through Vineyards, Unknown
An Economic Evaluation of Moneyball, Jason C. Erwin and Clayton Cooper
A New Life for a Semester: What Being abroad Meant to Me, Stephanie Raso
An Extensive Analysis of the Business and Economic Climate of McMinnville, Oregon from 1895-1910, Brian Richardson
An Increasingly Negative Outlook: How Income Inequality Affects Personal Consumption Expenditures, Daniel R. Harmon and Gabriel T. Cruz
An Interesting Interview and Two Nights in Nikko, Leah Sedy
An Octopus in My Dory, Don Grotjohn
An Oregon Wildcat in St. Andrew's Court, Kurstin Finch Gnehm '97
A Note on Language Learning and Study Abroad, Ashley Bennett
A Peek at Positano, Eleanor Evans
A Portrait of Hope Shepherd, Coffey
A Powder-Puff Derby Loss, Paul A. Hanneman and Sandy Hanneman
A Role for Actin, Cdc1p, and Myo2p in the Inheritance of Late Golgi Elements in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Olivia W. Rossanese, Catherine A. Reinke, Brooke J. Bevis, Adam T. Hammond, Irina B. Sears, James O'Connor, and Benjamin S. Glick
Arthur and Vivian Weber, Unknown
Arthur Weber with Grapes, Unknown
Artist Spaces: Knowing the Studio Life, Joanna Peterson
Artist's Statement for Church of Totem, Totem Shriver
Ascent (View 1), Gabe Stallings
Ascent (View 2), Gabe Stallings
Ascent (View 3), Gabe Stallings
A Seated Emily Loveridge, Unknown
Ask Them—They’ll Tell You! Eliciting Student Perspectives to Improve Services, Barbara Valentine
Associated Students of Linfield College (ASLC) President Norman Goss, Unknown
A Systematic Genetic Screen to Dissect the MicroRNA Pathway in Drosophila, Sigal Pressman, Catherine A. Reinke, Xiaohong Wang, and Richard W. Carthew
"Aunt Emily [Loveridge]" and Secretary, Unknown
"Aunt Emily [Loveridge]" with Nephew and Nurse, Unknown
Authenticity in the Skateboarding World, Becky Beal and Lisa Weidman
Automatic Pet Door and Magnetic Field Activation, Alex J. Keith
Automatic Pet Door with Magnetic Field Activation, Alex J. Keith
A View from Melrose, Thomas L. Hellie
A View from Melrose, Thomas L. Hellie
Axis Mundi, Totem Shriver
Back Cover, Mardi Mileham
Back Cover, Laura Davis and Mardi Mileham
Balance, Gabe Stallings
Baseball Athletes, Unknown
Baseball Coach Henry Lever, Unknown
Baseball Player Bernard Martyn, Unknown
Basketball Game Pride, Unknown
Basketball Player 01, Unknown
Basketball Player 02, Unknown
Basketball Player Bill Dresser, Unknown
Basketball Player Bob Luoto, Unknown
Basketball Player Dick Sitton, Unknown
Basketball Player Donn Gassaway, Unknown
Basketball Player John Dowd 01, Unknown
Basketball Player John Dowd 02, Unknown
Basketball Player Lloyd Morris, Unknown
Basketball Player Ron Dunn, Unknown
Bathed in Blue, Robyn Dolson
Becoming a Nun, Becoming a Man: Taiwanese Buddhist Nuns’ Gender Transformation, Hillary Crane
Becoming a Teacher of Literacy: The Struggle between Authoritative Discourses, Mindy Legard Larson and Donna Kalmbach Phillips
Bend the Light and Fashion the Shadows, Totem Shriver
Bernard Loiseau Receives Food, Doreen Wynja
Best Month Yet, Elizabeth Dadoly
Beta-Alanine Supplementation Can Buffer Muscle Fatigue in Humans, Alisa Peak
Between the Past and Our Present (Entre el Pasado y Nuestro Presente), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Beyond, Totem Shriver
Big and Little Sisters of the Nursing School, Unknown
Biology Lab, Unknown
Black Cat Bone, Totem Shriver
Black Scrapbook Page 01, Unknown
Black Scrapbook Page 02, Unknown
Black Scrapbook Page 03, Unknown
Black Scrapbook Page 04, Unknown
Black Scrapbook Page 05, Unknown
Black Scrapbook Page 06, Unknown
Black Scrapbook Page 07, Unknown
Black Scrapbook Page 08, Unknown
Black Scrapbook Page 09, Unknown
Black Scrapbook Page 10, Unknown
Blind Corners, Portals and Turning Points 01, Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Blind Corners, Portals and Turning Points 02, Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Bonfire (Hoguera), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Boron Deficiency Effects 01, Unknown
Boron Deficiency Effects 02, Unknown
Boron Deficiency Effects 03, Unknown
Bridging the Cultural Gap between America and England, Kate McMullan
Bringing Language to Life, Laura Davis
Building and Testing a Photolithography System, Kyel Lambert and Michael S. Crosser
b. (View 1), Kathleen Spring
b. (View 2), Kathleen Spring
b. (View 3), Kathleen Spring
Cake Booth at A.W.S. Carnival, Unknown
Caladium Schomburgkii (Alocasia), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Campbell Hall and Grover Hall, Unknown
Campus Construction, Unknown
'Cat Tracks, Linfield Magazine Staff
'Cat Tracks, Mardi Mileham and Linfield Magazine Staff
Characterization of Focused Ion Beam Milled Lines, Yingshi Guo
Chateau Plastique 1994 Oregon Red Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Chinese Students, 1938, Unknown
Christian Emphasis Week, 1951, Unknown
Christian Emphasis Week, 1953, Unknown
Church, Totem Shriver
Church of Totem Banner, Suzanna Sumkhuu
Church of Totem Opening Reception 01, Kathleen Spring
Church of Totem Opening Reception 02, John F. Kerrigan
Church of Totem Opening Reception 03, John F. Kerrigan
Church of Totem Opening Reception 04, John F. Kerrigan
Church of Totem Opening Reception 05, Kathleen Spring
Church of Totem Opening Reception 06, Kathleen Spring
Church of Totem Opening Reception 07, Kathleen Spring
Church of Totem Opening Reception 08, John F. Kerrigan
Church of Totem Opening Reception 09, John F. Kerrigan
Church of Totem Opening Reception 10, John F. Kerrigan
Church of Totem Opening Reception 11, John F. Kerrigan
Church of Totem Opening Reception 12, John F. Kerrigan
Church of Totem Opening Reception 13, John F. Kerrigan
Church of Totem Opening Reception 14, Kathleen Spring
Church of Totem Opening Reception 15, Kathleen Spring
Church of Totem Opening Reception 16, John F. Kerrigan
Church of Totem Opening Reception 17, Kathleen Spring
Church of Totem Opening Reception 18, Kathleen Spring
Church of Totem Opening Reception 19, John F. Kerrigan
Church of Totem Opening Reception 20, Kathleen Spring
Church of Totem Opening Reception 21, Kathleen Spring
Church of Totem Opening Reception 22, Kathleen Spring
Church of Totem Opening Reception 23, Kathleen Spring
Church of Totem Opening Reception 24, John F. Kerrigan
Church of Totem Opening Reception 25, John F. Kerrigan
Church of Totem Opening Reception 26, Kathleen Spring
Church of Totem Opening Reception 27, Kathleen Spring
Church of Totem Opening Reception 28, John F. Kerrigan
Church of Totem Opening Reception 29, John F. Kerrigan
Church of Totem Opening Reception 30, John F. Kerrigan
Church of Totem Opening Reception 31, John F. Kerrigan
Church of Totem Opening Reception 32, John F. Kerrigan
Civic Life in McMinnville - Wortman Family, Samantha Johnson, Jordan Mixsell, and Dan Hellinger
Class Notes, Linfield Magazine Staff, Alison Bouchard '12, and Laura Davis
Class Notes, Linfield Magazine Staff
Class of 1911 on the Front Steps, Unknown
Class of 1914 in Front of the Nurses' Home, Unknown
Class of 1915 on the Lawn, Unknown
Class of 1926 at Alumni Reunion Day, Unknown
Class/Schedule, Nora Burnfield
Climbing Haystack Rock, Paul A. Hanneman and Sandy Hanneman
Clique-Relaxed Graph Coloring, Charles Dunn, Jennifer Firkins Nordstrom, Cassandra Naymie, Erin Pitney, William Sehorn, and Charlie Suer
Clive Coates with Microphone, John Rizzo
Coach Henry Lever, Unknown
Coach Henry Lever, Circa 1955, Unknown
Coach Jack Frost, Unknown
Coach Lever and Basketball Player, Unknown
Coat D'Oar 1995 Oregon Red Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Collage of Photographs of Nursing Students, Unknown
Collections Management for Newbies, Kathleen Spring and Kathleen Carlisle Fountain
Colonial Hall, 1938, Unknown
Colonial Hall, 1950, Unknown
Commencement Program, Markham
Commons Quartet, Unknown
Communication, Contraception and Culture: A Semiotic Analysis of Educational Materials for Latinas, Maia M. Mercer
Complete Multipartite Graphs and the Relaxed Coloring Game, Charles Dunn
Computationally Modeling Compton Scattering to Understand Radiation Therapy, Daniel Nicewonger
Computational Studies of Protein Folding, Andrew Cleland and Addison Wisthoff
Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde: A Look at where They Were 100 Years Ago and where They Are Today, Ashley Burgess
Connected, Totem Shriver
Construction in Pioneer Hall 01, Unknown
Construction in Pioneer Hall 02, Unknown
Construction near 99W, Unknown
Construction of Maxwell Field 01, Unknown
Construction of Maxwell Field 02, Unknown
Conversations in Robin Hood Country, Katie O'Brien
Corner of the Nurses' Home Building 01, Unknown
Corner of the Nurses' Home Building 02, Unknown
Corner of the Nurses' Home Building 03, Unknown
Corner of the Nurses' Home Building 04, Unknown
Cotton Handlines and Pistols, Paul A. Hanneman
Cozine Bridge, Unknown
Cozine Creek Bridge Construction, Unknown
Cracking the Pinot Time Capsule Panel 01, Doreen Wynja
Cracking the Pinot Time Capsule Panel 02, Doreen Wynja
Crane (View 1), Gabe Stallings
Crane (View 2), Gabe Stallings
Creating a Sound Design for Sarah Ruhl's "Dead Man's Cell Phone", Laura K. Haspel
Creating Community: The Dory Fleet of Pacific City, Casee R. Clark
Crowell Physical Cabinet, Unknown
Culture Counts: Culture, Language & Mathematics in the U.S., Arielle L. Ramberg
Culture Counts: Culture, Language & Mathematics in the U.S., Arielle L. Ramberg
Curiosity: Sunglasses Encounter, Amy Aschenbrenner
Daily Life in McMinnville 100 Years Ago, Ian J. Rapport, Louise Winsnes, and Lindsey Hacker
Data-Driven Change in Oregon Psychologists’ Knowledge and Attitudes about Prescriptive Authority, Robyn A. Dolson, Jenna D. Johnson, and Tanya L. Tompkins
David Craven: A Bibliography (1976-2011), Brian Winkenweder
David Fiordalis READ Poster, Paula Terry and Nicholson Library Staff
David Lett at Podium 1993, John Rizzo
David Lett at Podium 1994, Doreen Wynja
David Rosengarten Leads Panel Discussion, John Rizzo
Deaf Culture and Music: The Role of Sign Language Interpreters within Live Music Performances, Amanda Summers
Debating Team, Unknown
Decorating Grover Hall for Homecoming, Unknown
Dedication Page of White Caps Annual of 1951, White Caps Staff
Deep Tissue Swedish Massage Therapy as a Weight Loss Aid in Overweight and Obese Adult Clients, Corinne A. Rekart
Dick and Nancy Ponzi Sample Wine, Unknown
Dick Ponzi and Dick Erath Speaking to an Unidentified Man, Unknown
Dick Ponzi at Ponzi Vineyards, Unknown
Dick Ponzi Builds Equipment, Unknown
Dick Ponzi Moves Grapes, Unknown
Dick Ponzi with Winery Equipment, Unknown
Dick Ponzi Works on the Vineyard, Unknown
Distinct Phospho-Forms of Cortactin Differentially Regulate Actin Polymerization and Focal Adhesions, Anne E. Kruchten, Eugene W. Krueger, Yu Wang, and Mark A. McNiven
Does State Export Growth Granger-Cause State GDP Growth?, Garrick G. Rozairo and Gerald Rusere
Doping Density Measurements of Textured Solar Cells Using Capacitance-Based Techniques, Amanda Bowers
Dormant Vines 01, Unknown
Dormant Vines 02, Unknown
Dormant Vines 03, Unknown
Dormant Vines 04, Unknown
Doug Tunnell Speaks at 2001 IPNC, Doreen Wynja
Do Yourself a Favor – Go to France!, Nicole Burnett
Dr. Anderson and Van Ivan Hogastanner, Unknown
Dr. Dillin Observing Construction, Unknown
Dr. J.H. Pollard, Unknown
Dr. Theodore-Kratt, Unknown
Drum Major, Unknown
Duality of Time, Addison Wisthoff, Cole Perry, Tim Marl, and Nicholas Fairhart
Dundee Villages Yamhill County White Table Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Dynamin as a Mover and Pincher during Cell Migration and Invasion, Anne E. Kruchten and Mark A. McNiven
Early Morning at the Nursing School, Unknown
Economics of Happiness, Courtney M. Hatch and Rosie F. Schoeppner
Economies of Scale within State Prisons, Nicholas William Irving and David Anthony King
Edelweiss Sorority, Unknown
Effects of a Basic Climbing Education Program on Physical Fitness and Macronutrient Intake in Novice Mountaineers, Donald A. DeFrang II and Kelsey J. Franklin
Effects of Maternal Low Protein Diet on Expression of Drug Transporters in the Blood-Brain Barrier of Adult Offspring, Bonnie L. Hastings
Elephant Kisses, Samuel Krekos
El Espacio entre Nosotros, Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Emergence, Totem Shriver
Emily Lemoine Loveridge, Unknown
Emily Loveridge and Nursing Students, Unknown
Emily Loveridge as a Student Nurse, Pach Brothers
Emily Loveridge Post-Retirement, Unknown
Emily Loveridge's Brother and Sister, Unknown
Emily Loveridge's Father, Unknown
Emily Loveridge's Father and Mother, Unknown
Emily Loveridge's Foster Daughter, Unknown
Emily Loveridge's Friend, Pach Brothers
Emily Loveridge's Half-Sister, Unknown
Emily Loveridge's Half-Sister and Nieces, Unknown
Emily Loveridge's Niece, Unknown
Emily Loveridge's Sister, Niece, and Nephew, Unknown
Emily Loveridge's Step-Mother, Unknown
Moby Dick Pointed West, Tyrone Marshall
Entrance Construction, Unknown
Equisetaceae Equisetum Palustre (Marsh Horsetail), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Erath Vineyards 1974 Willamette Valley Gamay Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 1975 Willamette Valley White Riesling Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Erath Vineyards 1976 Appellation Yamhill County Pinot Noir Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Erath Vineyards 1995 Willamette Valley Gewürztraminer Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 1995 Willamette Valley Pinot Gris Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 1995 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 1996 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 1997 Willamette Valley Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 1997 Willamette Valley Chardonnay (Niederberger) Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 1997 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir Reserve Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 1997 Willamette Valley Vintage Select Pinot Noir Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 1998 Willamette Valley Chardonnay Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 1998 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 1998 Willamette Valley Vintage Select Pinot Noir Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 1999 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir (Leland) Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 2000 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir (Bishop Creek) Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 2000 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir (Juliard) Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 2000 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir (Prince Hill) Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 2001 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 2002 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir (Leland) Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 2003 Oregon Pinot Noir Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 2003 Willamette Valley Dry Riesling Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 2003 Willamette Valley Gewürztraminer Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 2003 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir (Juliard) Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 2004 Oregon Pinot Gris Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 2004 Oregon Pinot Noir Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards 2004 Willamette Valley Pinot Blanc Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Vineyards Willamette Valley Sauvignon Blanc Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erath Winery 2010 Oregon Pinot Noir Wine Label, Erath Vineyards
Erratic Rock State Park, Oregon, Alison Pate
Essence (Esencia), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Examination of Net Exports through the Use of Econometric Models, Eric Weinbender and Alex Grant
Example 12: Part B, Liz Obert
Example 13: Part B, Liz Obert
Example 14: Part A, Liz Obert
Example 15: Part B, Liz Obert
Example 1: Part B, Liz Obert
Example 20: Part C, Liz Obert
Example 21: Part A, Liz Obert
Example 21: Part C, Liz Obert
Example 22: Part A, Liz Obert
Example 23: Part A, Liz Obert
Example 25: Part A, Liz Obert
Example 30: Part C, Liz Obert
Example 32: Part C, Liz Obert
Example 37: Part A, Liz Obert
Example 37: Part C, Liz Obert
Example 39: Part A, Liz Obert
Example 3: Part C, Liz Obert
Example 42: Part C, Liz Obert
Example 46: Part A, Liz Obert
Example 55: Part A, Liz Obert
Example 56: Part C, Liz Obert
Example 58: Part A, Liz Obert
Example 9: Part C, Liz Obert
Exhibition Catalog for Blind Corners, Portals and Turning Points, Ronald Mills de Pinyas and Brian Winkenweder
Expectations about Disclosure: Does Gender Moderate the Relationship between Expectations and Co-Rumination, Allison Elliott and Jessica C. Lucas
Explaining Differences in Growth across Developing Countries, Alex Przedpelski and Zachariah Evans
Eyrie Vineyards, Dulce Kersting
Factors Affecting Retention at Private Baccalaureate Liberal Arts and Sciences Colleges, Tarun T. Fernandes
Factor Structure of the Coaching Behavior Questionnaire and Its Relationship to Athlete Variables, Jean M. Williams, Gerald J. Jerome, Laura J. Kenow, Tracie Rogers, Tessa A. Sartain, and Greg Darland
Family Photos 01, Totem Shriver
Family Photos 02, Totem Shriver
Family Photos 03, Totem Shriver
Family Photos 04, Totem Shriver
Ferns, Totem Shriver
Field of Liliums (Lilies), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Final Touch-Ups, Unknown
Fire Twirling at the Church of Totem Opening Reception, Rochelle Santarris
First Aid for Patient, Unknown
First Graduating Class of the Good Samaritan School of Nursing, Unknown
Five Nursing Students, Unknown
Flag Presentation, Unknown
Floods, Beetles, and Soccer, Mary Robertson
Florence Nightingale Award Winner of 1944, Unknown
Football Player, Unknown
Football Player Punting, Unknown
Football Players in the Air, Unknown
Football Player Warren Moore, Unknown
Football Team Group Picture, Unknown
Football Training "Dummies", Unknown
Formal Group Portrait, Unknown
Fort Casey, Washington, Alison Pate
Four Nursing Students, Unknown
Frerichs Hall, Unknown
Freshmen Orientation Week, Unknown
Freshmen Welcome and Registration 01, Unknown
Freshmen Welcome and Registration 02, Unknown
Friends and Winemakers Embrace, Unknown
From Patient to Practitioner, Laura Davis
From the Garden 01, Ronald Mills de Pinyas
From the Garden 02: Gallery Posting, Ronald Mills de Pinyas
From the Garden 03, Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Front Cover, David Cutler
Front Cover, Linfield Magazine Staff
Front of Graduate Nurses' Home, Unknown
Fruit Development, Unknown
Fushimi Inari Shrine, Leah Sedy
Gardenia Serenade Booth at A.W.S. Carnival, Unknown
Generations of Nursing Graduates, Unknown
Gerald (Jerry) Johnson 04, Tyrone Marshall
Getting Students into Digital Magazines, Susan Currie Sivek
Girls' Gym Construction, Unknown
G.I. Wives Annual Baby Show 01, Unknown
G.I. Wives Annual Baby Show 02, Unknown
G.I. Wives Annual Baby Show 03, Unknown
G.I. Wives Annual Baby Show 04, Unknown
G.I. Wives Annual Baby Show 05, Unknown
G.I. Wives Annual Baby Show 06, Unknown
G.I. Wives Annual Baby Show 07, Unknown
G.I. Wives Annual Baby Show 08, Unknown
Gladiolus Leaves (Sword Lilies), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Glorious Intent, Totem Shriver
Good Samaritan Hospital Staff, Unknown
Good Samaritan Hospital Staff and Students, Unknown
Good Samaritan Hospital Winter Scene, Unknown
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Class of 1894, McAlpin and Lamb
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Class of 1896, Unknown
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Class of 1910, Unknown
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Class of 1914, A. G. Churchley
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Class of 1916, Unknown
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Class of 1918, Bushnell Photo
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Class of 1919, Bushnell Photo
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Class of 1920, C. Elmer Grove
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Class of 1921, Hamilton-Grove Studio
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Class of 1923, Unknown
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Class of 1924, Aune
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Class of 1926, Martham
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Class of 1928, View 01, Boychuck-Jones
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Class of 1928, View 02, Boychuck-Jones
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Class of 1930, Bushnell
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Class of 1936, Markham
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Class of 1939, Unknown
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Class of 1941, Logan Markham Photos
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Class of 1943, Logan Markham Photos
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Pin, Unknown
Good Samaritan School of Nursing Students, Unknown
Good Samaritan Student Nurses' Home, Unknown
Governor Barbara Roberts at IPNC Grand Dinner, John Rizzo
Governor John Kitzhaber at 1998 IPNC, Doreen Wynja
Graduate Nurses' Home 01, Unknown
Graduate Nurses' Home 02, Unknown
Graduate Nurses' Home 03, Unknown
Graduate Nurses' Home 04, Unknown
Graduate Nurses' Home 05, Unknown
Graduate Outside of Church, Unknown
Graduates Under the Balcony 01, Unknown
Graduates Under the Balcony 02, Unknown
Graduation Ceremony 1923, Unknown
Grape Vine Development 01, Unknown
Grape Vine Development 02, Unknown
Grape Vine Development 03, Unknown
Grape Vine Development 04, Unknown
Group Photograph, Circa 1905, Unknown
Group Photograph of Students and Faculty, Unknown
Group Photograph on the Steps of Pioneer Hall, Unknown
Group Portrait, Unknown
Grover and Jane Failing Halls 01, Unknown
Grover and Jane Failing Halls 02, Unknown
Gudrun Hommel READ Poster, Paula Terry and Nicholson Library Staff
Guests Dining in Oak Grove 01, Doreen Wynja
Guests Dining in Oak Grove 02, Doreen Wynja
Guests Dining in Oak Grove 03, Doreen Wynja
Guests Dining in Oak Grove 04, Doreen Wynja
Guests Milling in Oak Grove 01, Doreen Wynja
Guests Milling in Oak Grove 02, Doreen Wynja
Guests Milling in Oak Grove 03, Doreen Wynja
Hallway in Good Samaritan Hospital, Unknown
Happiness and Struggle: A Metaphoric Criticism of Reggae, Logan C. Veith
Harmonic Center, Totem Shriver
Harmonic Center (Close-Up), Totem Shriver
Hay Bale Fence, Doreen Wynja
Helen and "Aunt Emily [Loveridge]", Unknown
High Jump, Unknown
Homecoming at the Phi Epsilon House, Unknown
Homecoming Bonfire, Unknown
Homecoming Graveyard, Unknown
Homecoming Queen Yvonne Johnson, Unknown
Home Economics, Unknown
Home Economics Students, Unknown
Homeward Bound, Jordan Johnson
Homophobia, Heterosexism, and Ambivalence in the Premier Issue of Sports Illustrated Woman/Sport, Lisa M. Weidman
Hospital Staff at Floor Center, Unknown
Hospital Staff at Medical Center, Unknown
House Construction, Unknown
House Mother Nell Mitchell, Unknown
House Mother, Superintendent, and Friends, Unknown
Houttuynia Cordata and Pontaderia Cordata (Chameleon and Purple Pickerelweed Plants), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
How Dark Is the Night? (...Que Oscura es la Noche), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Hurdlers Culver and Bueermann, Unknown
Ice Cream Party READ Poster, Paula Terry and Nicholson Library Staff
Ida Monroe 01, Tyrone Marshall
Ida Monroe 02, Tyrone Marshall
Ida Monroe 03, Tyrone Marshall
Impacts of Income, Trade, and Government Regulation on Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Katherine Grainey and Heather McClellan
Impending, Sherilyn Harrington, Dawn Wyruchowski, and Bryce Hayunga
Independent Women's Intermural Volleyball Team, Unknown
“Indians,” “Braves,” and “Redskins”: A Performative Struggle for Control of an Image, Jackson B. Miller
Infected Pinot Noir Plants 01, Unknown
Infected Pinot Noir Plants 02, Unknown
Infected Pinot Noir Plants 03, Unknown
Infected Pinot Noir Plants 04, Unknown
Infected Pinot Noir Plants 05, Unknown
Informal Portrait of Graduates of the Good Samaritan School of Nursing, Unknown
Informal Portrait of Nursing Students on the Front Steps, Unknown
Informal Portrait of the Class of 1920, Unknown
Installation: "Blind Corners, Portals and Turning Points", Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Instructor at the Nursing School, Unknown
In Support of a Semester Abroad, Whitney Schubert
In Surgery, Unknown
Intercollegiate Knights Sweetheart Ball, Unknown
Internal and External Factors Associated with Illicit Prescription Drug Use in College Students, Robyn A. Dolson, Eric Tompkins, and Tanya L. Tompkins
International Week, Unknown
Intern Changing Light Bulb, Unknown
Intersections, Julie Sadino
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors of Illicit Prescription Drug Use: Where You Spend Your College Years Matters, Robyn A. Dolson
Inward, Outward, Onward: Autoethnography of a Dissertation in (Qualitative) Transitional Space, Genevieve Harris
Iota Omega Mu Group, Unknown
IPNC Attendee Offers Feedback at Panel Discussion, John Rizzo
Ira Manville and Nurse Grace Manville, Unknown
Is It Sexy? A Semiotic Analysis of Sexual Imagery in Japanese and United States Advertising, Marc P. Pereira
“I Will Remember You”: How Memories Resonate with People through Reminiscence, Nostalgia, Regret, and the Phenomenon of Missing, Molly R. Chew
Jack READ Poster, Paula Terry and Nicholson Library Staff
James A. (Jim) Coon 01, Tyrone Marshall
James A. (Jim) Coon 02, Tyrone Marshall
James A. (Jim) Coon and Richard Coon 01, Tyrone Marshall
Japoñolés: El Uso del Japonés, Español e Inglés en la Comunidad Peruano Japonesa, Lily Niland
Japoñolés: The Use of Japanese, Spanish, and English in the Peruvian Japanese Community, Lily Niland
Jennifer Heath READ Poster, Paula Terry and Nicholson Library Staff
John Kitzhaber at Podium, Doreen Wynja
Joking Around at the Nursing School, Unknown
Jory Gibson READ Poster, Paula Terry and Nicholson Library Staff
Juliet Harbutt at Podium, Doreen Wynja
Just beneath the Surface (Justo debajo la Superfice), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Kadin Hashimoto READ Poster, Paula Terry and Nicholson Library Staff
Kappa Alpha Phi Intermural Basketball Team, Unknown
Kappa Alpha Phi Sisters, Unknown
Keynote Speaker Jancis Robinson, Doreen Wynja
Keynote Speakers David Rosengarten and Joshua Wesson 01, John Rizzo
Keynote Speakers David Rosengarten and Joshua Wesson 02, Doreen Wynja
Keynote Speakers Joshua Wesson and David Rosengarten 01, John Rizzo
Knudsen Erath Winery 1977 Appellation American Chardonnay Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery 1978 Yamhill County White Riesling Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery 1987 Oregon Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery 1987 Oregon Pinot Noir (Leland) Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery 1987 Willamette Valley Oregon Chardonnay Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery 1987 Willamette Valley Oregon Gewürztraminer Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery 1987 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery 1988 Willamette Valley Chardonnay Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery 1988 Willamette Valley White Riesling Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery 1990 Willamette Valley Chardonnay Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery 1991 Oregon Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery 1991 Willamette Valley Chardonnay Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery 1991 Willamette Valley Dry Riesling Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery 1991 Willamette Valley Pinot Gris Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery 1992 Willamette Valley Chardonnay Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery 1993 Willamette Valley Pinot Gris Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery 1993 Willamette Valley White Riesling Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery Coastal Mist Oregon Table Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery Dundee Villages Oregon Pinot Noir Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery Dundee Villages Oregon White Riesling Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery Dundee Villages Vin Gris of Pinot Noir Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Knudsen Erath Winery Pacific Mist Oregon Table Wine Label, Knudsen Erath Winery
Lake Quinalt, Washington, Alison Pate
Landing in a Rough Surf, Sidney Fisher
Landscape I, Laura Goodwin
Landscape II, Laura Goodwin
Landscape IIl, Laura Goodwin
Landscape IV, Laura Goodwin
Landscape V, Laura Goodwin
La Puerta de Mi Laberinto, Ronald Mills de Pinyas
La Sorella: Event Planning with the Sheridan Japanese School, Leah Sedy
Last Day in Oaxaca, Alison Pate
Latitude=45 Longitude=122 Installation 01, Liz Obert
Latitude=45 Longitude=122 Installation 02, Liz Obert
Latitude=45 Longitude=122 Installation 03, Liz Obert
Latitude=45 Longitude=122 Installation 04, Liz Obert
Latitude=45 Longitude=122 Installation 05, Liz Obert
Latitude=45 Longitude=122 Installation 06, Liz Obert
Latitude=45 Longitude=122 Installation 07, Liz Obert
Latitude=45 Longitude=122 Installation 08, Liz Obert
Latitude=45 Longitude=122 Installation 09, Liz Obert
Latitude=45 Longitude=122 Installation 10, Liz Obert
Launching through the Surf: The Dory Fleet of Pacific City, Casee R. Clark and Stephanie K. Raso
Launching through the Surf: The Dory Fleet of Pacific City, Cassidy Davis and Jennifer Layton
“Legal or Illegal? Documented or Undocumented?” The Struggle over Brookhaven’s Neighborhood Preservation Act, Jackson B. Miller
Lennon READ Poster, Paula Terry and Nicholson LIbrary Staff
Lester Adams, Unknown
Libretti of Russian Operas: Operas Based on the Poetry and Prose of Alexander Pushkin (Volume l), Anton Belov
Linfield College Football Game 01, Hudson Studio
Linfield College Football Game 02, Hudson Studio
Linfield College Football Game, 1948, Unknown
Linfield College Football Players, Unknown
Linfield College Football Team, Unknown
Linfield College Hurdlers, Unknown
Linfield College Marching Band, Unknown
Linfield College Men's Basketball Game, 1947, Unknown
Linfield College Men's Basketball Game, 1948, Unknown
Linfield College Men's Basketball Team, Unknown
Linfield College Pole Vaulter, Unknown
Linfield College: Study Abroad in Austria, Kate Straube
Linfield College: Study Abroad in Austria, Keith Welch
Linfield College: Study Abroad in Ecuador, Lily Niland
Linfield College: Study Abroad in France, Emily Hauer Vockeroth
Linfield College: Study Abroad in France, Abby Drake
Linfield College: Study Abroad in France, Andy Munn
Linfield College: Study Abroad in France, Brian Adams
Linfield College: Study Abroad in France, Britany Ellerbrook
Linfield College: Study Abroad in France, Brett Shearer
Linfield College: Study Abroad in France, Emily Kaltenbach
Linfield College: Study Abroad in France, Erica Zimmerman
Linfield College: Study Abroad in France, Caya Sanz de Santamaría
Linfield College: Study Abroad in France, Kate Barrett
Linfield College: Study Abroad in France, Kari Blankenship
Linfield College: Study Abroad in France, Kari Pierce
Linfield College: Study Abroad in France, Virginia Anderson
Linfield College: Study Abroad in France, John F. Herrick
Linfield College: Study Abroad in Japan, Elizabeth Turner
Linfield College: Study Abroad in Japan, Brittani Drost
Linfield College: Study Abroad in Senegal, Lacey Dean
Linfield College: Study Abroad in Spain, Patrick Miller
Linfield College: Study Abroad in Tunisia, Italy, and Austria, Matt Davies
Linfield Community, 1910, Unknown
Linfield Digest, Linfield Magazine Staff
Linfield Digest, Linfield Magazine Staff
Linfield D.O.T.s, Unknown
Linfield into Antarctica, Jesse Peterson '06
Linfield Longevity, Linfield Magazine Staff
Linfieldpdx, 2012, Mardi Mileham
Linfield Pep Club, Unknown
Linfield Pep Squad, Unknown
Little Century, Anna Keesey
Living the Martial Way, Blair Schur
Longitudinal Analysis of Calcium Supplementation Preventing Bone Mass Loss in Females, Piilani Nicola
Louisa Ponzi Cleaning Winery Equipment, Unknown
Louisa Ponzi Stirs Grapes, Unknown
Make Your Own Choice, Ting Ting Chen
Man Adjusts Salmon Stake, John Rizzo
Man Holding Salmon on Stakes 01, John Rizzo
Man Holding Salmon on Stakes 02, John Rizzo
Man Sculpting, Unknown
Man Sculpting Human Figure, Unknown
Marguerite Lewis, Unknown
Maria Ponzi Among Wine Barrels, Unknown
Marine Sponges as Bioindicators of Nitrogen within Estuaries on the Oregon Coast, Amy Hammerquist, Stacia Cowgill, and Matthew Creech
Mary Lou Morony, Unknown
Matt Kramer Leads Panel, Doreen Wynja
Maxwell Field, Unknown
May Day 01, Unknown
May Day 02, Unknown
May Day 03, Unknown
May Day 04, Unknown
May Day 05, Unknown
May Day, 1948, Unknown
May Day Coronation, Unknown
May Day Queen, Unknown
McMinnville 100 Years Ago - Women's Roles, Alison F. Bouchard, Danielle M. Bruno, and Ashleigh Rousselle
McMinnville Agriculture 1912, Brinn Hovde, Rachel Go, and Michael Sanchez
McMinnville College Band and Glee Club Portrait, Unknown
McMinnville High School, Cesar Bueno
Measurement of Semiconductor Surface Potential Using the Scanning Electron Microscope, Jennifer T. Heath, Chun-Sheng Jiang, and Mowafak M. Al-Jassim
Meconopsis Grandis (Blue Poppy), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Melrose Hall 03, Unknown
Memorial Plaque, Unknown
Memorial Stadium Construction 01, Unknown
Memorial Stadium Construction 02, Unknown
Men in Front of Melrose Hall, Unknown
Men's Basketball Northwest Conference Champions, Schaeffer Photo
Men's Varsity Basketball Team, Unknown
Michael Huntsberger READ Poster, Paula Terry and Nicholson Library Staff
Michael Ponzi Among Wine Barrels, Unknown
Michael Ponzi on Tractor, Unknown
Michon Hunsaker and Rachel Go READ Poster, Paula Terry and Nicholson LIbrary Staff
Miracles in Indian Buddhist Narratives and Doctrine, David V. Fiordalis
Mon Séjour en France, Julia O'Donnell
Moving On, Linfield Magazine Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Harlocher, Unknown
Mrs. E.A. Quinn, Mrs. John Bordeove, and Mrs. Albert Powers, Unknown
My Awesome Austrian Adventure, Timmy Prag
My Time Abroad, Craig Brenneke
Nā a' a Hawai'i: The Roots from Which We Grow, Linfield Magazine Staff
Nancy Bush 01, Tyrone Marshall
Nancy Bush and Robert Bush with the Short Shot, Tyrone Marshall
Nancy Ponzi at Podium, Doreen Wynja
Nancy Ponzi Working at the Vineyard, Unknown
Ndiaw, Arielle L. Ramberg
Newby Hall, Unknown
New Nurse Holding Tray of Food, Unknown
Nick Buccola READ Poster, Paula Terry and Nicholson Library Staff
Nonverbal Cues in the Communication of Attraction, Cameron E. Howser
Northup Library, 1950, Unknown
Northup Library, 1955, Unknown
Northwest Conference Football Champions, Unknown
Northwest Senior & Disability Services, Jitsopa Bouquet Harger
Not Just Business as Usual, Laura Davis and Mardi Mileham
Nurse Aileen Moreland and Baby, Unknown
Nurse and Intern at Front Desk, Unknown
Nurse Gertrude Jane Baillie 01, Unknown
Nurse Gertrude Jane Baillie 02, Unknown
Nurse Harriet Terrill Lefebore's Scrapbook 01, Unknown
Nurse Harriet Terrill Lefebore's Scrapbook 02, Unknown
Nurse Harriet Terrill Lefebore's Scrapbook 03, Unknown
Nurse Mary Keech at Kula Sanatorium, Unknown
Nurse Reception Room, Unknown
Nurses after Delivering Baby, Unknown
Nurses Celebrating March Birthdays, Unknown
Nurses Checking Patient, Unknown
Nurses Holding Newborn Babies, Unknown
Nurses Lil Tracey and Jessie Stephens, Unknown
Nurses Scheduling an Emergency Surgery, Unknown
Nurses Taking Blood, Unknown
Nurses with Dr. Chauncey, Unknown
Nurses Working in Pediatrics 01, Unknown
Nurses Working in Pediatrics 02, Unknown
Nurses Working in Pediatrics 03, Unknown
Nurses Working in Surgery, Unknown
Nurse Talking on Phone, Unknown
Nursing Graduates in front of Nurses' Home, Acme Photo
Nursing Graduates Outside Church 01, Unknown
Nursing Graduates Outside Church 02, Unknown
Nursing Graduates Outside Church 03, Unknown
Nursing Graduates Outside Church 04, Unknown
Nursing Graduates Outside of Student Nurses' Home, Unknown
Nursing School Committee Chairs, Unknown
Nursing School Graduate and Miss Jolly, Aune
Nursing School Graduates 01, Unknown
Nursing School Graduates 02, Markham
Nursing School Student Council, Unknown
Nursing Student and Partner on Rock, Unknown
Nursing Student and Young Girl, Unknown
Nursing Student Enjoying the Portland View, Unknown
Nursing Student Helping with Physical Therapy, Unknown
Nursing Student In Canoe, Unknown
Nursing Student Inspecting Newborn, Unknown
Nursing Student in Uniform, Unknown
Nursing Student Laughing, Unknown
Nursing Student Relaxing in Chair, Unknown
Nursing Students and a Patient on the Sun Porch, Unknown
Nursing Students and Interns Socializing, Photo-Art Commercial Studios
Nursing Students and Medical Interns 01, Northwest Magazine Photo Co.
Nursing Students Behind a Bench, Unknown
Nursing Students' Capping Ceremony, Unknown
Nursing Students Cooking, Unknown
Nursing Students Dressed for Halloween, Unknown
Nursing Students Enjoying the Sunshine, Unknown
Nursing Students Getting Refreshments, Unknown
Nursing Students in Chemistry Lab, Acme Commercial Studio
Nursing Students in Class, Photo-Art Commercial Studios
Nursing Students in Front of the Nurses' Home, Unknown
Nursing Students in Kitchen, Unknown
Nursing Students in the Delivery Room, Unknown
Nursing Students in the Diet Kitchen, Circa 1913-1916, Unknown
Nursing Students in the Diet Kitchen, Circa 1950-1959, Photo-Art Commercial Studios
Nursing Students in the Hall, Unknown
Nursing Students in the Laboratory, Unknown
Nursing Student Sitting on Lawn, Unknown
Nursing Students Learning in Salem, Unknown
Nursing Students Making Bed, Unknown
Nursing Students on Halloween, Unknown
Nursing Students on the Front Steps, Acme Photo
Nursing Students on the Hospital Grounds, Unknown
Nursing Students on the Roof 01, Unknown
Nursing Students on the Roof 02, Unknown
Nursing Students on the Roof 03, Unknown
Nursing Students Posing in Dormitory Room, Unknown
Nursing Students Reading and Preparing, Unknown
Nursing Students Receiving Exam Scores, Unknown
Nursing Students Sampling Food, Unknown
Nursing Students Socializing, Unknown
Nursing Students Under the Cedar 01, Unknown
Nursing Students Under the Cedar 02, Unknown
Nursing Students Waiting for Commencement, Unknown
Nursing Students With Dummy, Photo-Art Commercial Studios
Nursing Student Using Stethoscope, Unknown
Nursing Student Wearing Isolation Unit Attire, Unknown
Nursing Student Wheeling IV, Unknown
Nursing Student with Air-Force Officer, Unknown
Nursing Student with a Newborn Baby, Unknown
Nursing Student with Child in Wheelchair, Unknown
Nursing Student with Dancing Partner, Unknown
Nursing Student with Mother, Unknown
Of Dories and a Hooked Nose, Don Grotjohn
Off the Bookshelf, Linfield Magazine Staff
Old Dog Rests, Emily Zegar
Once in a Lifetime, Catherine Nakamura
one:two:three:four (View 1), Kathleen Spring
one:two:three:four (View 2), Kathleen Spring
one:two:three:four (View 3), Kathleen Spring
Optimization of 4-Mercaptobenzoic Acid in SiO2-Ag Colloid Aerogel Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Amy R. Cunningham
Oregon Wine History Project™ Interview: David Adelsheim, David Adelsheim
Oregon Wine History Project™ Interview: Diana Lett, Diana Lett
Oregon Wine History Project™ Interview: Dick Erath, Dick Erath
Oregon Wine History Project™ Interview: Dick & Nancy Ponzi, Dick Ponzi and Nancy Ponzi
Oregon Wine History Project™ Interview: Myron Redford, Myron Redford
Oregon Wine History Project™ Interview: Susan Sokol Blosser, Susan Sokol Blosser
Original Good Samaritan Hospital Building 01, Unknown
Original Good Samaritan Hospital Building 02, Towne
Original Good Samaritan Hospital Building 03, Towne
Original McMinnville College Building, Unknown
Outside Amity, Oregon, Alison Pate
Owning What You Know, Mardi Mileham
Paeonia Suffruticosa and Myosotis Arvensis (Forget-Me-Not and Jubilejnyj Tree Peony), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Pagan Love Song, Totem Shriver
Pair of Nursing Students, Unknown
Palmer Hoyt, Unknown
Panelist Christophe Roumier, Doreen Wynja
Panelist Corinne Rousseau, Doreen Wynja
Panelist Gérard Potel, Doreen Wynja
Panelist Neal Rosenthal , Doreen Wynja
Panelist Robert Drouhin, Doreen Wynja
Panelist Sarah Kemp , Doreen Wynja
Panelists Nadine Gublin and François Mikulski, Doreen Wynja
Panelists Sarah Kemp and Corinne Rousseau, Doreen Wynja
Pastor and Nurses Gathered Outside Church, Unknown
Person to Person in Australia, Laura Goodwin
Person to Person in Australia, Ashley Tobiska
Person to Person in Australia, Kadi White
Person to Person in China, Rachel Go
Person to Person in Costa Rica, David Mack
Person to Person in Costa Rica, Katie Main
Person to Person in Ecuador, Hannah Greider
Person to Person in France, Elizabeth Dadoly
Person to Person in Hong Kong, Mengni Tang
Person to Person in Hong Kong, Derek Cash
Person to Person in Ireland, Gabrielle Leif
Person to Person in Ireland, Kira Weaver
Person to Person in Japan, Gabrielle Nygaard
Person to Person in Korea, Dana Hellie
Person to Person in Mexico, Lulu Grant
Perspectives on Deepening Teachers’ Mathematics Content Knowledge: The Case of the Oregon Mathematics Leadership Institute, Libby Knott and Martha VanCleave
Phylloxera Infection 01, Unknown
Phylloxera Infection 02, Unknown
Phylloxera Infection 03, Unknown
Phylloxera Infection 04, Unknown
Phylloxera Infection 05, Unknown
Picnic under the Old Oak, Unknown
Pinot Gris "Shelf Talker", WillaKenzie Estate
Pinot Noir 01, Unknown
Pinot Noir 02, Unknown
Pinot Noir Development, Unknown
Pinot Noir Development, Unknown
Pinot Noir Development 02, Unknown
Pinot Noir Grape Harvest 01, Unknown
Pinot Noir Grape Harvest 02, Unknown
Pinot Noir "Shelf Talker", WillaKenzie Estate
Pioneer Excavation 01, Unknown
Pioneer Excavation 02, Unknown
Pioneer Hall and Old Gymnasium, Unknown
Pioneer Hall and the Old Oak, 1950, Unknown
Pioneer Hall at Homecoming, Unknown
Pioneer Hall Library, Unknown
Poetry in the Day-to-Day, Laura Davis
Pointing the Finger of Blame: News Media Coverage of Popular-Culture Culpability, Erica Scharrer, Lisa M. Weidman, and Kimberly Bissell
Polytrichum and Hyphum Cupressiforme (Haircup Moss and Cypress-Leaved Plait-Moss), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Ponzi Vineyards 1967 California Burgundy Wine Label, Ponzi Vineyards
Ponzi Vineyards 1975 Oregon Harvest Wine Label, Ponzi Vineyards
Ponzi Vineyards 1978 Washington Sauvignon Blanc Wine Label, Ponzi Vineyards
Ponzi Vineyards 1980 Willamette Valley Chardonnay Wine Label, Ponzi Vineyards
Ponzi Vineyards 1984 Willamette Valley Pinot Gris Wine Label, Ponzi Vineyards
Ponzi Vineyards 1987 Willamette Valley Dry White Riesling Wine Label, Ponzi Vineyards
Ponzi Vineyards 1990 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir Reserve Wine Label, Ponzi Vineyards
Pop's Shoppe, Unknown
Port Orford Cedar, Chloe Raymond
Port Orford I, Chloe Raymond
Port Orford III, Chloe Raymond
Port Orford II (View 1), Chloe Raymond
Port Orford II (View 2), Chloe Raymond
Portrait of Allie Marquiss, Unknown
Portrait of Andrew Spencer, Towne
Portrait of a Nursing Student 01, Bicknell
Portrait of a Nursing Student 02, Hofsteater
Portrait of a Nursing Student 03, Aune
Portrait of a Nursing Student 04, Davies
Portrait of a Nursing Student 05, Aune
Portrait of a Nursing Student 06, Bushnell
Portrait of a Nursing Student as a Cowgirl, Unknown
Portrait of "Bunkie", Aune
Portrait of Celia Bast, Unknown
Portrait of Daisy Phinney (Stevens), Coffey
Portrait of Edith Waldo Baybrook, Aune
Portrait of Emily Loveridge at Desk, Unknown
Portrait of Florence Schwietzer, Unknown
Portrait of Gertrude Jane Baillie, Unknown
Portrait of Jeanette Byford Armstrong, Boychuck
Portrait of Jean Peterson, Boychuk
Portrait of "Johnnie", A. Leaman Davis
Portrait of June Hansen, Boychuk
Portrait of Kathleen (Ward) Jamieson, Moore
Portrait of Lenore Patton, Cantwell
Portrait of Lorene E. Backlund, Boychuk
Portrait of Marjorie Pullin Bell, Unknown
Portrait of Nursing Student Helen, Aune
Portrait of Nursing Students in front of the Nurses' Home, Acme Photo
Portrait of Opal Barnes Smith, Moore
Portrait of Ruby Waterton, Unknown
Portrait of Senior Class Advisor Jean Hamilton, Unknown
Portrait of Stella Leighton, P. N. Hart
Portrait of Vera Gray, Unknown
Portrait of Verna Rudig Ross, Houser
Postcard of Good Samaritan Hospital, Angelus
Praying Mantis, Totem Shriver
Preparing the Moby Dick for Launching, Tyrone Marshall
Preservice Teachers Respond to And Tango Makes Three: Deconstructing Disciplinary Power and the Heteronormative in Teacher Education, Donna Kalmbach Phillips and Mindy Legard Larson
President of Student Association, Unknown
Presidents Anderson and Riley, Unknown
President Vivian Bull at IPNC Grand Dinner, Doreen Wynja
Press Club, Unknown
Princess, Leah Sedy
Processional of the Nursing Graduates, Unknown
Professor Harold Elkinton and Margaret Patterson, Unknown
Professor Jonas A. Johannis, Unknown
Professors and Students on Microphone, Unknown
Prozilify, Samantha Moreland
Random Passion, Romel Ramos
Rapunzel and Francis (View 01), Samantha Moreland
Rapunzel and Francis (View 02), Samantha Moreland
Rapunzel and Francis (View 03), Samantha Moreland
Reality for the Classroom, Linfield Magazine Staff
Red Chrysanthemum Morifolum (Hardy Garden Mum), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Re-Dedication of Pioneer Hall 01, Unknown
Re-Dedication of Pioneer Hall 02, Unknown
Reducing Stigma toward the Transgender Community: An Evaluation of a Humanizing and Perspective-Taking Intervention, Kimberly Hillman and Fatemah Ordoubadi
Reduction Kinetics in Heteropoly Blue Species of Organically Modified Polyoxotungstates, Mitchell Edwards
Regional Identity and the Reputation of Willamette Valley Wines: A Multiple Stakeholder Assessment, Katherine Byers and Julia Prow
Relationally Aggressive Media Exposure and Children’s Normative Beliefs: Does Parental Mediation Matter?, Jennifer Ruh Linder and Nicole E. Werner
Relationship between Anxiety, Self-Confidence, and Evaluation of Coaching Behaviors, Laura J. Kenow and Jean M. Williams
Remembering the Taste of Senegal, Arielle L. Ramberg
Research Agenda for Library Instruction and Information Literacy, Melissa Becher and Jean Caspers
Resistance through Transformation? The Meanings of Gender Reversals in a Taiwanese Buddhist Monastery, Hillary Crane
Resisting Marriage and Renouncing Womanhood: The Choice of Taiwanese Buddhist Nuns, Hillary Crane
Returning and Current Linfield College Presidents, Unknown
Richard Coon 01, Tyrone Marshall
Richard Coon 02, Tyrone Marshall
Riesling Grape Harvest 01, Unknown
Riesling Grape Harvest 02, Unknown
Riesling Grape Harvest 03, Unknown
Riesling Grape Harvest 04, Unknown
Riesling Grape Harvest 05, Unknown
Riesling Grape Harvest 06, Unknown
Riesling Grape Harvest 07, Unknown
Riesling Grape Harvest 08, Unknown
Riesling Grape Harvest 09, Unknown
Robert Bush 01, Tyrone Marshall
Robert Bush 02, Tyrone Marshall
Rocks, Totem Shriver
Roommates in Dormitory Room, Unknown
Rosaceae (Happy Chappy Rose), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Rotary Picnic 01, Unknown
Rotary Picnic 02, Unknown
Rototilling Hillside, Unknown
Roy D. Mahaffey, Unknown
Run, Walk, or Ride for Habitat 2012, Samantha Lau
RxP Project: Prescription Privileges for Psychologists: Perceptions, Knowledge and Attitude Change of Oregon Psychologists, Jenna D. Johnson, Amber Hay, Allyna Murray, Jessica C. Lucas, and Tanya Tompkins
Salix Matsudana Tortuosa (Dragon's Claw), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Salmon Baking Over Fire, Doreen Wynja
Salmon on Alder Stakes 01, John Rizzo
Salmon on Alder Stakes 02, John Rizzo
Salmon on Alder Stakes 03, Doreen Wynja
Salmon on Alder Stakes 04, Doreen Wynja
Salmon on Stakes in Front of Melrose Hall, John Rizzo
Salmon on Stakes in Front of Pioneer Hall, Doreen Wynja
Scanning Capacitance Spectroscopy on n+-p Asymmetrical Junctions in Multicrystalline Si Solar Cells, Chun-Sheng Jiang, Jennifer T. Heath, Helio R. Moutinho, and Mowafak M. Al-Jassim
Scene from Arsenic and Old Lace, Unknown
Scene from Dark Victory, Unknown
Scene from I Remember Mama, Unknown
Scene from Ladies in Retirement 01 , Unknown
Scene from Ladies in Retirement 02 , Unknown
Scene from On Borrowed Time, Unknown
Scrapbook Page 01, Unknown
Sculpture, Unknown
Seedling Growth and Survival of Western Red Cedar (Thuja Plicata), Six Years Later, Conor F. Colahan and Eric Weinbender
Seismic Modeling with an Earthquake Shake Table, Jordan E. Barnes
Seismic Modeling with an Earthquake Shake Table, Jordan E. Barnes
Semester Abroad at Avignon, Julie Hughes
Semiotics & Ideology in the Visual Rhetoric of the Black Panther Party, Phillip A. Vaglica
Shave a Balloon Booth at A.W.S. Carnival, Unknown
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Using Stereoscopic Computer Vision for Autonomous Vehicles, Robert Ferrese
Singers at KOIN Radio Station, Unknown
Singing Fish, Amanda Maxwell Sundman
Sister Sopranos, Alison Bouchard '12
Skagit Valley, Washington, Alison Pate
Snow-Covered Courtyard, Unknown
Snow-Covered Graduate Nurses' Home 01, Unknown
Snow-Covered Graduate Nurses' Home 02, Unknown
Snowy East Wing of Hospital, Unknown
Snowy Nurses' Courtyard, Unknown
Snowy Scene Outside Student Nurses' Home 01, Unknown
Snowy Scene Outside Student Nurses' Home 02, Unknown
Social Dynamics of Gang Involvement: A Mathematical Approach, Emily Smith, Sowmya Srinivasan, Joshua Austin, and Fabio Sanchez
Some Asians Uncovered: There Were Chinese in Yamhill County in the Early 1900s, Cassie Kwon
"Somewhereness or Someoneness" Discussion Panel, Doreen Wynja
Sophomore Class Portrait, 1909, Unknown
Sphaerocephalon (Allium Hair), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Spine, Gabe Stallings
Spring Break and More!, Emmylu Elliott
Star Mug (View 01), Ariel Lillico
Star Mug (View 02), Ariel Lillico
Star Mug (View 03), Ariel Lillico
Stephanie Raso READ Poster, Paula Terry and Nicholson Library Staff
Sticks, Totem Shriver
Student and Faculty Group Portrait, Unknown
Student Dieticians, Unknown
Student Nurses Room, Unknown
Students and Interns on the Lawn, Unknown
Students Check Out Books at Northup Library, Unknown
Students in Airplane, Unknown
Students in Press Room, Unknown
Students of All Portland Schools of Nursing, Unknown
Students on Fire Truck, Unknown
Students on Steps of Melrose Hall, Unknown
Students Seated on the Lawn 01, Unknown
Students Seated on the Lawn 02, Unknown
Students Seated on the Lawn 03, Unknown
Students Versus the Research Paper: What Can We Learn?, Barbara Valentine
Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Volume 35, Norman K. Denzin, Chistopher J. Schneider, Robert Owen Gardner, and John Bryce Merrill
Success in the Film Industry: What Elements Really Matter in Determining Box-Office Receipts, Melissa Greenaway and Barrett Zetterberg
Sunbathing on the Roof, Unknown
Sunset in La Paz, Alex Lovre
Sunshine in Galway and the End of Classes, Abigail Lundberg
Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering of Invertase on Silver Nanoparticles, Kathryn L. Corp and Brian D. Gilbert
Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering of P- Aminobenzoic Acid on Nobel Metal Nanoparticle Surfaces, Ezgi Tanriver and Brian D. Gilbert
Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering with Gold Core Silver Shell Nanoparticles, Hayley C. Steele
Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Peptides Adsorbed on Silver and Gold Nanoparticles in Aqueous Solutions, Stephanie L. Stovall
Surgery Suite 01, Unknown
Surgery Suite 02, Unknown
Susan Agre-Kippenhan READ Poster, Paula Terry and Nicholson Library Staff
Susurrando en el Día durante la Noche, Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Table of Contents, Linfield Magazine Staff
Table of Contents, Linfield Magazine Staff
“Takin’ It to the Web”: Updating Operations Manuals for Today's Techno-Realities, Kathleen Spring
Teacher Educators under Surveillance at a Religious University, Genevieve Harris
Teaching with Social Media, Susan Currie Sivek
Tears of Copper, Emily Zegar
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 01, Jean Caspers
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 02, Jean Caspers
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 03, Jean Caspers
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 04, Jean Caspers
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 05, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 06, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 07, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 08, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 09, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 10, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 11, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 12, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 13, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 14, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 15, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 16, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 17, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 18, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 19, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 20, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 21, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 22, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 23, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 24, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 25, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 26, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 27, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 28, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 29, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 30, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 31, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 32, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 33, Kathleen Spring
Temple of Inner Fire Collaborative Burn Sculpture 34, Kathleen Spring
Terran Sobel-Smith READ Poster, Paula Terry and Nicholson LIbrary Staff
That Day in the Field with You (Aquél Día contigo en el Campo), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
That which Boils (Lo que Hierve), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
The 1954 Honors "A" Class, Unknown
The Activities Page of the Annual 01, White Caps Staff
The Activities Page of the Annual 02, White Caps Staff
The Activities Page of the Annual 03, White Caps Staff
The Activities Page of the Annual 04, White Caps Staff
The Activities Page of the Annual 05, White Caps Staff
The Activities Page of the Annual 06, White Caps Staff
The All-American Girls Professional Baseball League (AAGPBL): A Review of Literature and Its Reflection of Gender Issues, Laura J. Kenow
The Amity Downtown Improvement Group (Amity DIG), Nicholaus Miles
The Beauty and the Pain of Leaving and Coming Home, Sarah Korn
The City Filled with S(e)oul, Dana Hellie
The Creation of a Lighting Design for Dead Man’s Cell Phone by Sarah Ruhl, Katherine Grainey
The Determinants of NFL Ticket Prices: What Managers May Consider when Pricing Tickets, Julia A. Huffman and Buddy J. Saxon
The Dietary Department Page of the Annual, White Caps Staff
The Dillins and International Students, Unknown
The Ebonaires 01, Unknown
The Ebonaires 02, Unknown
The Economic Impact of Echo Red 2 Red: A Mountain Biking Event, Katie Main and Kadin Hashimoto
The Effect of Gender Equality on Life Expectancy Across Development Levels, Nicole Bond and Anders Van Sandt
The Effect of Physical Activity on Academic Performance in a Title I Elementary School on 2nd Graders, Mariah Blodgett
The Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Error Rates in Clinical Nurses, Niko Acacio
The Effects of Owl Decoys and Non-threatening Objects on Bird Feeding Behavior, Leah J. Rensel and Jannell D. Wilder
The Floor Duty Page of the Annual, White Caps Staff
The Influence of Social Priming on Speech Perception, Sierra N. Broussard
The International Pinot Noir Celebration, Nicholaus Miles
The Linfield Review Staff, Unknown
The Longboats of Phi Phi Don, Amanda Contreras
The Nature of Borders: Salmon, Boundaries, and Bandits on the Salish Sea, Lissa K. Wadewitz
The Nurses' Dining Room, Unknown
The Nurses' Home Building, Unknown
The Nurses of St. Luke's Hospital, Unknown
The Obesity of Economics: An Application of the Law of Demand to Obesity Prevalence within the United States, Tara Marie Hill and Amy Hasenoehrl
The Obstetrics and Surgery Page of the Annual, White Caps Staff
The Order of the Old Oak 01, Unknown
The Order of the Old Oak 02, Unknown
Theoretical Investigation of Internal Rotation Barriers of 4-(Dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde), Daniel D. Namazi and James J. Diamond
The Palette of Burgundy Panel, Doreen Wynja
The Past in the Present (El Pasado en el Presente), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
The Pediatrics Page of the Annual, White Caps Staff
The Pinot Chronicles: 25 Years of Oregon’s International Pinot Noir Celebration, Paloma A. Dale and Nicholaus Miles
The Place and the Photograph, Lex Runciman
The Political Thought of Frederick Douglass: In Pursuit of American Liberty, Nicholas Buccola
The Ponzi Family, Unknown
The "Senior Queen" Page of the Annual, White Caps Staff
The Short-Term Effects of Viewing Relationally Aggressive Media on Hostile Cognitions in College Women, Emily R. Anderson and Sarah Coyne
The Social Identity of Wales in Question: An Analysis of Culture, Language, and Identity in Cardiff, Bangor, and Aberystwyth, Clara Martinez
The SPURS, Unknown
The Stoic Monastic: Taiwanese Buddhism and the Problem of Emotions, Hillary Crane
The Student Association Page of the Annual, White Caps Staff
The Voids (View 1), Luyuan Peng
The Voids (View 2), Luyuan Peng
The Voids (View 3), Luyuan Peng
The Voids (View 4), Luyuan Peng
The Voids (View 5), Luyuan Peng
The Voids (View 6), Luyuan Peng
Thierry Rautureau Receives Food, Doreen Wynja
Thirteen Portals (Trece Portales), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
This Moment of Incertitude (Ese Momento de Incertidumbre), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Three Kitchen Volunteers Prepare Salmon, John Rizzo
Three Nurses Keeping Records, Unknown
Three Nursing Students in Uniform, Unknown
Tiki Fun House, Joey Paysinger, Abe Harder-Cattell, Marina Jablonski, and Chloe Shields
Tilings with T and Skew Tetrominoes, Cynthia Lester
Tim Stewart READ Poster, Paula Terry and Nicholson Library Staff
Track Meet With Chemawa 01, Unknown
Track Meet With Chemawa 02, Unknown
Track Runner Bernard Martyn, Unknown
Track Runner D. Harvey Kent, Unknown
Track Runner Maryon Gribble, Unknown
Track Runner Vernon Arnold, Circa 1928, Unknown
Track Runner Vernon Arnold, Circa 1929, Unknown
Transcript of A Rough Landing with My Grandpa, Terri Stiles
Transcript of Battle Stations, Michael W. Cellers
Transcript of Climbing Haystack Rock, Paul A. Hanneman and Sandy Hanneman
Transcript of Damn Fool Kids, Clinton R. Bailey Jr.
Transcript of My Father’s Heroics, Sidney Fisher
Transcript of Origins of the Ukranian Fleet, Albert Knopf and Noel Knopf
Transcript of Saving Greenhorns, David L. Stiles
Transcript of Showing Off at the Derby, Ben Hogevoll
Transcript of The 127-Pound Halibut, Robert W. Bush
Transcript of The Blimp Encounter, Allan Jensen
Transcript of The Boat Inspection, Nancy Bush
Transcript of The Origins of Dory Fishing in Pacific City, Paul A. Hanneman
Transcript of The Quality of Life in Pacific City, Ronald M. Kellow
Transcript of The Whale Sighting, Robert A. Royster
Transferring Crushed Grapes, Unknown
Transportation in McMinnville 100 Years Ago, Yin Xiao, Joanna Peterson, and Justin Derby
Tri-State Group, "Tancho", Unknown
Tumblers in the Women's Physical Education Class 01, Unknown
Tumblers in the Women's Physical Education Class 02, Unknown
Tunnel of Love at A.W.S. Carnival, Unknown
Two Nurses Smiling at Desk, Unknown
Two Nursing Students Making the Bed, Unknown
Two Nursing Students Side-by-Side, Unknown
Tyler Laird-Magee READ Poster, Paula Terry and Nicholson Library Staff
Tyrone Marshall READ Poster, Paula Terry and Nicholson LIbrary Staff
Understanding Retention among Private Baccalaureate Liberal Arts Colleges, Katherine S. Hanson
Untitled, Gabe Stallings
Untitled 1, Emmylu Elliott
Untitled 2, Emmylu Elliott
Untitled 3, Emmylu Elliott
Untitled IV, Chloe Raymond
Untitled (Runners Dilemma) (View 1), Gabe Stallings
Untitled (Runners Dilemma) (View 2), Gabe Stallings
Untitled (Runners Dilemma) (View 3), Gabe Stallings
Untitled (Runners Dilemma) (View 4), Gabe Stallings
Untitled (Runners Dilemma) (View 5), Gabe Stallings
Untitled VI, Chloe Raymond
Untitled VII, Chloe Raymond
Use of an After-School Healthy Food Choice Program to Decrease Obesity in Middle Childhood Participant, Krystal Lum
U.S. Radio in the 21st Century: Staying the Course in Unknown Territory, Michael Huntsberger
Valentine's Day Booth at the Nursing School, Unknown
Verde, Que Te Quiero Verde (Green, How I Want You Green, after a Poem by Federico García Lorca), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Vessel 1 (View 01), Chloe Raymond
Vessel 1 (View 02), Chloe Raymond
Viburnum Plicatum (Doublefile Viburnum), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Vineyard Rows, Unknown
Virtual Reality and Sound Localization, Ryan A. Cook
Volunteer Finds Voice, Alison Bouchard '12
Waiting for You (Te Espero), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Wales: A Hidden Cultural Gem, Clara Martinez
Washington Cavalcade Picnic 01, Unknown
Washington Cavalcade Picnic 02, Unknown
Washington Club, Unknown
Website Design for Yamhill Enrichment Society, Yin Xiao
Weighing In: Coping with Stigmatization through the Fat Acceptance Movement and Weight Loss Surgery, JaeLyn L. Forthun
Weighing In: Coping with Stigmatization through the Fat Acceptance Movement and Weight Loss Surgery, JaeLyn L. Forthun
What Do Freshmen Really Know about Research? Assess before You Teach, Jean Caspers and Steven Mark Bernhisel
What I’ve Found at the Market (and Other Places, Too), Joy Nelson
What Moves Unbidden, Ronald Mills de Pinyas
What Study Abroad Meant to Me, Jason Tashea
Who and What Inspires Me? (¿Quién y Qué Me Inspira?), Ronald Mills de Pinyas
Who Is Your Bias?: The Symbolic Interactions and Social Solidarity of the K-pop Fan Community, Cassie Kwon
Who You Callin’ Shrimp?!, Samuel Krekos
Why Do That?, Lex Runciman
Why I Became a Dory Charter Captain, David L. Stiles
Wild Carrot, Katherine Takaoka
Willakenzie Estate 1995 Willamette Valley Pinot Blanc Wine Label, WillaKenzie Estate
WillaKenzie Estate 1997 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir Wine Label, WillaKenzie Estate
WillaKenzie Estate 2000 Wilalmette Valley Pinot Noir Wine Label, WillaKenzie Estate
WillaKenzie Estate 2000 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir Wine Label, WillaKenzie Estate
WillaKenzie Estate 2000 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir Wine Label, WillaKenzie Estate
WillaKenzie Estate 2000 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir Wine Label, WillaKenzie Estate
WillaKenzie Estate 2001 Willamette Valley Pinot Gris Wine Label, WillaKenzie Estate
WillaKenzie Estate 2001 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir Wine Label, WillaKenzie Estate
WillaKenzie Estate 2002 Willamette Valley Pinot Blanc Wine Label, WillaKenzie Estate
WillaKenzie Estate 2003 Willamette Valley Pinot Gris Wine Label, WillaKenzie Estate
WillaKenzie Estate 2006 Willamette Valley Pinot Blanc Wine Label, WillaKenzie Estate
Winemaker François Leclerc, Doreen Wynja
Wine Tasting at the 2007 IPNC, Doreen Wynja
Woman in Front of Mirror 01, Unknown
Woman in Front of Mirror 02, Unknown
Women Fencers, 1945, Unknown
Women in Front of Melrose Hall, Unknown
Women in Wine, Meghan Gillen and Amanda Maxwell
Women on Steps of Melrose Hall, Unknown
Women Playing Volleyball, Unknown
Women Practicing Archery, 1955, Unknown
Women's Athletic Association, Unknown
Women's Varsity Volleyball Team, Unknown
Yamhill Community Action Partnership, Kenja Wiseman
Yamhill County's Court Appointed Special Advocates, Mica Parke
Young Boy Holding Salmon, John Rizzo
Zeta Chi Intermural Basketball Team, Unknown
Zooxanthellar Symbionts Shape Host Sponge Trophic Status through Translocation of Carbon, Jeremy B. Weisz, Andrew J. Massaro, Blake D. Ramsby, and Malcolm S. Hill