Senior Theses
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Publication Date
Document Type
Thesis (Linfield Access)
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science in Physics
Faculty Advisor(s)
Michael S. Crosser (Thesis Advisor)
Joelle Murray & Luis Barajas (Committee Members)
Subject Categories
Energy Systems | Engineering Physics | Materials Science and Engineering | Physics | Power and Energy
Graphene is a single, atomic layer, hexagonal lattice with useful electrical properties. Discovered as a stable isolated sheet in the early 2000s, graphene field effect transistors (GFET) are an effective way to detect small changes in electrical activity. When an electrolytic fluid is placed on a GFET, a double layer capacitor can develop at the interface between the fluid and graphene. Surprisingly, this interface is sensitive to barometric pressure, making GFETs a viable device for measuring pressure changes. In this work we built a pressure vessel and placed GFETs inside to test the performance limits of graphene based on its environment.
Recommended Citation
Töldte, Benedikt, "Detecting Pressure Changes Using Graphene Field Effect Transistors" (2019). Senior Theses. 44.