Senior Theses
Publication Date
Document Type
Thesis (Open Access)
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science in Physics
Faculty Advisor(s)
Tianbao Xie (Thesis Advisor)
Michael Crosser & Jennifer Heath (Committee Members)
Subject Categories
Applied Mechanics | Engineering Mechanics | Engineering Physics | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanics of Materials | Physics
Properties of several working magnetic coupled rotors have been measured and their performance compared to theoretical models. Axial magnetic couplers allow rotors to work within harsh environments, without the need for seals, proper alignment, or overload protection on a motor. The influence of geometrical parameters, such as distance from the center of the rotors, polarity arrangement, and the number of dipole pairs were experimentally tested. These results can be used to improve rotor designs, to increase strength and efficiency.
Recommended Citation
Villalobos, Nickolas Cruz Jr., "Transferring Power through a Magnetic Couple" (2019). Senior Theses. 42.
Included in
Applied Mechanics Commons, Engineering Mechanics Commons, Engineering Physics Commons, Mechanics of Materials Commons