Faculty & Staff Publications


Shush Me Awake

Streaming Media

Publication Date



Audio Arts and Acoustics | Communication | Composition | Critical and Cultural Studies | Digital Humanities | Library and Information Science | Music | Performance Studies


Shush Me Awake is part of a larger work, Shush: A Creative (Re)Construction, which stems from research conducted during a sabbatical in fall 2017. Shush Me Awake, an audio piece, explores the shush as a performative act. The composer notes provide additional technical details about the audio piece itself. The accompanying framing essay uses an autoethnographic approach to provide a contextualized look at the composition process for this piece, while simultaneously situating it within existing scholarship in library and information studies on the image of the librarian and stereotypes.

Document Type

Audio File


There is no prescribed order for engaging with the different components in this collective work. To access the accompanying framing essay, see the Related Resource link below. To access the composer notes, refer to the Additional Files section below.

Original Citation

Kathleen Spring
Shush: A creative (re)construction.
Liminalities, 2019, volume 15, number 1

SpringLiminalitiesComposerNotes2019.pdf (47 kB)
Composer Notes for Shush Me Awake
