Bob Jones Collection
Robert E. Jones was born January 14, 1923 in Yonkers, New York and attended Oberlin College in Ohio before joining the United States Army. He studied electrical engineering at the University of Connecticut and was deployed to Germany in the spring of 1945. During the war, Jones was stationed primarily in Germany. While there, he worked as a radio operator and maintenance man and achieved the rank of Technician Fourth Grade. He was discharged from service in April 1946.
While in the army, Jones took German communications courses for credit from both Oberlin College and the University of Michigan. After returning to the United States, Jones finished his schooling and received his undergraduate degree at Oberlin before going on to receive a Master's degree in physics at Michigan in 1949 and a Ph.D. in physics at Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) in 1953. Before beginning his teaching career at Linfield College in 1955, Jones taught physics and led research at Penn State. While at Linfield, Jones earned tenure, occasionally served as the head of the Physics department, and officially retired in 1987.
The Bob Jones Collection largely reflects the life of Dr. Robert E. Jones during his years in the United States Army and provides a glimpse of his later life as an academic. The majority of this collection contains letters and photographs from his time in the Army, but it also includes military and professional documents.
For additional historical background and collection inventory, please see the Guide to the Bob Jones Collection 1944-1965.
Mock Graduation Diploma
L. K. Akers
While teaching at Linfield College, Dr. Bob Jones participated in a summer research course at the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, studying radioisotopes. Dr. Jones was awarded a mock diploma from "Old Bremsstrahlung University" as a "Dabbler in Radio-Isotope Procedure" - the highest of three levels that could be awarded. This entitled him to use the credential DRIP after his name.
Jones was a professor of physics at Linfield College from 1955-1987.
Letter #69 from Bob Jones to His Parents
Bob Jones
Bob Jones wrote this letter to his parents while stationed in Frankfurt, Germany. Jones writes about day-to-day life and how his job worked. He also talks about the people with whom he was living: Lieutenant Buchwalter, Leo Mahler, Don Mendoza, Ed Herzog and his German fiancée, an unnamed Polish D.P. (displaced person), and a German girl named Doris.
Jones was a professor of physics at Linfield College from 1955-1987.
Letter #78 from Bob Jones to His Parents
Bob Jones
Bob Jones wrote this short letter to his parents while stationed in Frankfurt, Germany. Jones tells his parents that, after a short stay at army headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, he will soon be discharged and will be heading home.
Jones was a professor of physics at Linfield College from 1955-1987.
United States Army Discharge Certificate
E. B. Nellis
This certificate from the United States Army states that Bob Jones received an Honorable Discharge from his military service in April of 1946. He was a Technician Fourth Grade in the 3112nd Signal Service Battalion at the time of his discharge.
Jones was a professor of physics at Linfield College from 1955-1987.
Letter #20 from Bob Jones to His Parents
Bob Jones
Bob Jones wrote this letter to his parents while stationed in Hohenpeißenberg, Germany during World War II. Jones sent a number of photographs with the letter; he describes them in detail and gives context for his parents. Jones also recounts a story about going into Austria with Frank Nuttall to search for friends who were supposed to be in the area.
Jones was a professor of physics at Linfield College from 1955-1987.
Letter #36 from Bob Jones to His Parents
Bob Jones
Bob Jones wrote this letter to his parents while stationed in Wiesbaden, Germany shortly after the end of World War II. Jones expresses concerns about the slow mail affecting his ongoing correspondence courses. He explains that he had been able to send in his work for a German course he was taking and that he had received confirmation that Oberlin College and the University of Michigan would give him credit for his ASTP (Army Specialized Training Program) credits. Jones also includes his requests for Christmas gifts and any other packages from his parents.
Jones was a professor of physics at Linfield College from 1955-1987.
Letter #51 from Bob Jones to His Parents
Bob Jones
Bob Jones wrote this letter to his parents while stationed in Wiesbaden, Germany. Jones thanks his parents for the Christmas package they sent him and gives ideas for items to be sent in future packages. The second half of the letter contains opinions and musings about politics, both foreign and domestic.
Jones was a professor of physics at Linfield College from 1955-1987.
Letter #53 from Bob Jones to His Parents
Bob Jones
Bob Jones wrote this letter to his parents while stationed in Wiesbaden, Germany. Jones writes about the three days he spent on leave in Paris, France with his roommate, Leo Mahler, and two friends from his battalion, Gene Mayhew and André Kirby. He describes the journey to and from the city, as well as all the sites they visited. Jones promises to send photos taken with his new camera in later letters.
Jones was a professor of physics at Linfield College from 1955-1987.