DigitalCommons@Linfield - Linfield University Student Symposium: A Celebration of Scholarship and Creative Achievement: Three Cheers for You, Mr. Brando:
 A Dramatistic Analysis of <em>Listen to Me Marlon</em>


Jereld R. Nicholson Library: Grand Avenue

Subject Area

Communication Arts/Rhetoric


This study focuses on actor and activist Marlon Brando and his attempts to deal with fame. His career spanned over fifty years. Over that time the media loved and hated him. Brando saw both sides of fame and loathed the way it threatened his privacy. Through a dramatistic analysis of the documentary Listen to Me Marlon, this study explores Brando’s feelings about and dealings with fame and fan expectations.

The paper upon which this poster is based was written for the Senior Seminar course in Communication Arts. The paper was competitively selected for presentation at the Northwest Communication Association Conference in April 2018.


Import Event to Google Calendar

May 18th, 3:30 PM May 18th, 5:00 PM

Three Cheers for You, Mr. Brando:
 A Dramatistic Analysis of Listen to Me Marlon

Jereld R. Nicholson Library: Grand Avenue

This study focuses on actor and activist Marlon Brando and his attempts to deal with fame. His career spanned over fifty years. Over that time the media loved and hated him. Brando saw both sides of fame and loathed the way it threatened his privacy. Through a dramatistic analysis of the documentary Listen to Me Marlon, this study explores Brando’s feelings about and dealings with fame and fan expectations.

The paper upon which this poster is based was written for the Senior Seminar course in Communication Arts. The paper was competitively selected for presentation at the Northwest Communication Association Conference in April 2018.