iFOCUS Science Colloquium Lecture Series
Next-Generation Muon g-2
Document Type
Video File
41 minutes 11 seconds
Publication Date
Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics | Elementary Particles and Fields and String Theory | Nuclear | Plasma and Beam Physics
The Brookhaven muon g-2 experimental result—now more than 3 standard deviations greater than the Standard Model prediction—continues to generate significant interest. It represents one of the strongest hints of new physics. What could this be, and perhaps more importantly, is it real? To answer this, an even more precise experiment is being constructed at Fermilab using the unique complex of accelerators associated with the so-called Intensity Frontier campaign. The E989 experiment will re-employ the original storage ring, but otherwise much of the measurement equipment, beam delivery, and key elements related to muon storage will be new. Jarek Kaspar describes this exciting effort, the experimental techniques, and the status of the experiment.
Recommended Citation
Kaspar, Jarek, "Next-Generation Muon g-2" (2014). iFOCUS Science Colloquium Lecture Series. Video File. Submission 5.
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