"Correlating Fiber Quality Assurance Tests for the NOvA Far Detector Mo" by Amanda K. Bowers

Senior Theses

Publication Date


Document Type

Thesis (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Physics



Faculty Advisor(s)

Joelle Murray (Thesis Advisor)
Michael Crosser & Donald Schnitzler (Committee Members)

Subject Categories



In an effort to better understand the most fundamental units of matter, physicists are drawn to study the elusive neutrino. Measuring various parameters of neutrinos resulting from their oscillations between three different flavor states can lead to an explanation for the asymmetry between matter and antimatter in the universe. Because they are massless and weakly interacting, detecting these leptons has been a challenging feat. However, large-scale collaborations, such as NOvA, are now able to build detectors that capture information about a neutrino's interaction with atomic matter. During their propagation through space, neutrinos oscillate between various flavor states. Physicists are interested in measuring parameters that describe these oscillations and yield important information about one of the most fundamental units of matter. Before installing a multi-billion dollar detector underground, physicists must ensure that their hardware is working properly. Two fiber quality assurance tests employed at the NOvA module factory are analyzed.

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