"Manufacturing and Testing the Permanent Magnet Linear Motor" by Renjie Kang

Senior Theses

Publication Date


Document Type

Thesis (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Physics



Faculty Advisor(s)

Tianbao Xie (Thesis Advisor)
Michael S. Crosser & Jennifer Heath (Committee Members)

Subject Categories

Engineering Physics | Materials Science and Engineering | Physics | Power and Energy


Controlled mechanical motion is vital in many useful applications in technology. Among them, linear motors have advantages over traditional rotating motors. In this work, we built a permanent magnet linear motor to test and measure its energy efficiency. A maximum 29% total energy efficiency, and 67% energy transfer rate, were detected. In addition, a C-shape support structure was added to the moving part in order to increase the moving accuracy. The tests show that, with the support structure, the fluctuation in the vertical direction decreases significantly, but the friction of the system slightly increases.
