Senior Theses
Publication Date
Document Type
Thesis (Open Access)
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science in Physics
Faculty Advisor(s)
Jennifer Heath (Thesis Advisor)
Michael Crosser & Tianbao Xie (Committee Members)
Subject Categories
An earthquake shake table was constructed with three orthogonal directions of motion to simulate seismic waves. The peak amplitude and directions of motion are adjustable by the user. The table’s acceleration was measured at different amplitude settings for all three directions of motion, and that data was fit to the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) scale. This allows the table motion to be calibrated to the proper magnitude of an earthquake. An earthquake equivalent to 5.0 intensity on the PGA scale was achieved.
Recommended Citation
Barnes, Jordan E., "Seismic Modeling with an Earthquake Shake Table" (2012). Senior Theses. 2.