Dan and Christine Jepsen Interview
Schmidt, Rich
Document Type
Video File
52 minutes 19 seconds
Publication Date
Oral History | Viticulture and Oenology
This interview is an oral history conducted by Linfield College Archives staff Rich Schmidt with Dan and Christine Jepsen of Alpine Vineyards. The interview took place at Alpine Vineyards on November 5, 2015.
Dan and Christine Jepsen are the owners of Alpine Vineyards in Monroe, Oregon. They bought the ranch land in 1975 and have since grown a variety of grapes. The Jepsens take pride in their tradition of solely estate bottled wines. In this interview, the Jepsens talk about how they got into the Oregon wine industry, how things have changed since the beginning, and their thoughts on the future of the industry. They highlight the importance of "sweat equity" and teamwork needed for a successful life in the vineyard. They share why they chose their southern location in the Willamette Valley and how their choice has affected them over the years.
Recommended Citation
Jepsen, Dan and Jepsen, Christine, "Dan and Christine Jepsen Interview" (2015). Browse All Willamette Valley Oral History Interviews. Video File. Submission 25.
Some oral history interviews were conducted on site and may contain background noise from nature, winery, or tasting room operations.