Oregon Wine History Transcripts


Dick Ponzi
Nancy Ponzi


Peterson, Jeff D.

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This document is a transcription of the interview with winemakers Dick and Nancy Ponzi conducted by Jeff D. Peterson in July 2010 as part of the Oregon Wine History Project™. Dick and Nancy Ponzi discuss the early days of the Oregon wine industry and give their personal account of how they came to grow grapes and produce wines in the Willamette Valley. Assisting in the production of this interview were videographers Barrett Dahl and Mark Pederson; exhibit and collections coordinators Barrett Dahl, Sara Juergensen, and Keni Sturgeon (faculty advisor); and project historical researchers Dulce Kersting and Lissa Wadewitz (faculty advisor). The duration of the interview is 56 minutes and 58 seconds.


Schwarz, Maria


Oral History | Viticulture and Oenology



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