Good Samaritan School of Nursing Photographs





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Date Range

circa 1925-1935


Harriet (Terrill) Lefedore, a nursing student, and her peers stand on the roof of the Good Samaritan Hospital. Annotations indicate that they took a moment to take a photograph while they were in surgery. They are dressed in surgical attire and hold surgical tools.

(left to right): C. Ulstrip, H. Terrill, B. Powell, Mrs. Price, H. Burger, S. Vogel, Kim Yop, G. Barkley


An additional image of annotations made on the back of the photograph can be downloaded from the additional files below.

Collection Credit

Linfield College-Good Samaritan School of Nursing Collection. Jereld R. Nicholson Library. Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon. Deposited by Linfield College-Good Samaritan School of Nursing.



nursing022.tif (40671 kB)
This file is an archival copy for this image. It is significantly larger in size and will take longer to download than the access copy that is available via the Download Original icon.

nursing022_back.tif (40826 kB)
This is a scan taken of the back of the photograph. This image contains some descriptive annotations.


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