"Sounds of Linfield, Part 1: Dr. Charles Walker" by Charles Walker

In Their Own Words: Interviews

Sounds of Linfield, Part 1: Dr. Charles Walker

Streaming Media


Singletary, Craig

Document Type

Audio File


12 minutes 19 seconds

Publication Date



Oral History


Within his first few weeks as president of Linfield College, Dr. Charles Walker worked with Dr. Craig Singletary (Professor of Communications) to create an audio recording to send to Linfield alumni. The first side of the record is a recording of Dr. Walker delivering a speech to alumni, informing them of Linfield's financial situation and asking them to join in the effort that Linfield faculty, staff, and students have made to raise money for the school.


The second portion of the recording is not available online but is available to listen to by appointment. Part 2 of the recording includes sounds of students in a hallway, a portion of a football game, and quotes from faculty and students; it runs for 10 minutes and 25 seconds. Please contact the Linfield College archivist for access.
