2014-15 Postcards
Postcards, journal entries, and essay contest winners from Linfield College students studying abroad during the 2014-2015 academic year.
Submissions from 2015
I Was Better Here, Lacey Dykgraaf
Japanese New Year, Van Ha
Submissions from 2014
Austria's National Holiday, Jade Boyd
Windsor and London, Lauren Card
Pinch Me, Am I Dreaming?, Michaela Duffey
Contrary to Proper Belief, No, You Can't See It from Space, Brian Hoover
Experiential Learning at Its Finest, Nicholas Konen
The Art of Friluftsliv, a New Philosophy for Climate Change, Sarah Mason
The Adventure Continues, Ellen Massey
Tim Tams Make the World Go Round, Mikhale McCarrel
Muchas Fiestas, Siena C. Noe
Go Go Go, Stacey Strovink