2013-14 Postcards
Postcards, journal entries, and essay contest winners from Linfield College students studying abroad during the 2013-2014 academic year.
Submissions from 2014
Ecua-home, Alyxandra Chapman
Letter to the Next, Alyxandra Chapman
Mixed Feelings, Alyxandra Chapman
A Trip to Cork!, Jenna Elkjer
Like Sand through the Hour Glass . . ., Jory Gibson
Greasy Pizza and Rainy Weather, Nicole Kachel
No Two Days Are the Same!, Nicole Kachel
Sunshine in Spain and Norway's National Day, Nicole Kachel
Akaroa Adventures, Emily Kreifels
Storm of a Century and Freshers' Tramping Trip, Emily Kreifels
A VERY Busy Week, Lauren Orr
Jungles, Mayan Ruins, and More – Chiapas, Shelby Reece
An Eye-Opening Experience, Kevin Romero
One Month In, Sara Schurter
Submissions from 2013
Never Thought It Would Be So Hard, Robin Cone-Murakami
Endings, Jory Gibson
How to Experience Everything, Really!, Jory Gibson
Scissors, Sharon Gollery