2023-24 Field Notes
This collection contains reflective essays written by Linfield University students in the midst of their study abroad experiences. Topics include issues of cultural similarity and difference, lifestyles, mores, norms, and habits between their host countries and home, and changes in perceptions about their host countries and the United States.
Submissions from 2024
Māori Culture From the Eyes Of An American, Katelyn Cederburg
Ever in Motion, Kaley Dombrigues 25
Mother Nature's Classroom, Giselle Gustafson
Fairies and Friendly Faces, Alexiss Jimenez
A Culutre of Schoolwork and Music, Abigael LaBuhn
When in Spain, Olivia Welsh
Submissions from 2023
The Love of Spain, Alondra Bravo
Embracing Cultural Differences, Clara Johansen
A Diverse World of Dining, Evan Kern