2018-19 Field Notes
This collection contains reflective essays written by Linfield College students in the midst of their study abroad experiences. Topics include issues of cultural similarity and difference, lifestyles, mores, norms, and habits between their host countries and home, and changes in perceptions about their host countries and the United States.
Submissions from 2019
Cultural Aspects of Spain, Hannah Brasil
My Kiwi Host, Carmen Chasse
Individual Expression Versus the Submissive Woman in France, Fatima Falcon Ontiveros
Differences between Australia and America, Ellen Gallagher
Messages from Beijing, Paul Gurzell
Learning Korean Culture, Isis Hatcher
Ecuadorian Way of Life, Sarah Heine
Ireland: A "Country on the Up", Jordan Keller
Life as a "Norwegian", Annalise Oertwich
Submissions from 2018
Messages from Cape Town, Camila Arguello
My Ecuadorian Host Mother, Nicole Bissey
Learning New Zealand, Madison Bollinger
Cleaning up the Kitchen, Camille Botello
Interview from Australia, Mikayla Bradley
Interview between International Students, Alyssa Kuwamoto
Learning German Culture, Courtney McGrath
Adjusting to Austrian Life, Natalie Michaelis
Learning Ecuadorian Culture, Elide Sanchez Rivera
A Family Like My Own, Hannah Terrell
Interview with My Host Mother, Melvin Van Hurck
Austrian Way of Life, Vanessa Zea-Ledesma