2016-17 Field Notes
This collection contains reflective essays written by Linfield College students in the midst of their study abroad experiences. Topics include issues of cultural similarity and difference, lifestyles, mores, norms, and habits between their host countries and home, and changes in perceptions about their host countries and the United States.
Submissions from 2016
Individual Disregard in Japan, Sean Bowden
Unspoken Rules in Scotland, Cailyn Bowen
The Bigger Picture in Costa Rica, Makayla Khatewoda
To Look Austrian, Sierra Lemon
Happy Life in Costa Rica, Garrett Lodge
Phrase Comparison in England, Rhianna Mathisen-Jamrock
Cultural Bubbles in Ecuador, Haley Parson
Test Schools in Austria, Grey Patterson
Sundays, A Day of Rest in France, Meghan Seifert
Cursing Kiwis in New Zealand, Sarah Sharman
Family Dynamics in Ecuador, Peyton Smith
Classic British Response in England, Chase Stowell