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Featured Publications

Linfield Football: The Streak (Journalism and Media Studies Department)

The 1956 Linfield football team posted a winning record, going 6-1-2 with a team full of players who had come up together and developed into a strong core group of players. They had no way of knowing at the time that, through at least 2023, Linfield would post more wins than losses in every successive season, setting a streak of winning seasons unseen at any level in the history of college football.

The interviews in this collection are with people involved in the 1956 team, looking back at starting “The Streak” and watching the success of Linfield football grow from there. Memories of tough games, harrowing travel, and wild celebrations are recounted, as are other recollections of campus life. For these alumni, the pride of having been part of the beginning of Linfield’s consistent football success is matched by the pride of watching the program become a national power and win multiple national championships.

As The Streak was heading into its 65th year, the Linfield Archives, Alumni Relations, and Journalism & Mass Communication team gathered these stories to preserve the stories of the beginning of an unprecedented run of football success.

Linfield University Public History Project: World War II as Experience and Memory (History Department)

World War II was one of the defining events of the twentieth century, and the number of people alive who experienced this momentous time decreases every day. Whether on the home front or on the battlefield, the “greatest generation” confronted an intense and unique moment in world history. We are daily losing the living memories of these important historical actors.

For these reasons, the Linfield University History Department and the Linfield Archives have launched the Linfield University Public History Project: World War II as Experience and Memory. This oral history project seeks to preserve the memories of the people affiliated with Linfield and the greater McMinnville, Oregon area who lived through this vital event. Our ultimate goal is to create an oral history archive that will preserve the memories of alumni and community members, as well as connect current college students to previous generations.

This project involves the expertise and work of three faculty/staff members: Dr. Lissa Wadewitz, Associate Professor of History; Dr. Rachel Schley, Assistant Professor of History; and Rich Schmidt, Director of the Linfield Archives. In addition, several students from the History Department are working to move the project forward.

NURS 320: Evidence-Based Nursing Student Presentations (Student Scholarship & Creative Works)

Nursing students created these research posters in their first term of nursing school as part of their Evidence-Based Nursing course. The course focused on identifying research topics, searching databases, appraising research, synthesizing results, and making practice recommendations.