Post-Grant Reports
Delving Deeper into James Connolly: Time in America 1902-1910
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European History | Labor History | United States History
James Connolly’s time in America is often overshadowed by his return to Ireland, involvement in Irish labor movements, and ultimate execution in 1916 for his role in the Easter Rising. This lack of focus means there is little secondary literature or information on this time in his life. However, Connolly’s involvement in American labor disputes gave him the skills necessary for his later work in Ireland. He also wrote many of his most influential writings during his time in America including Labour in Irish History. In the summer of 2015, we tried to learn more about Connolly’s time in America by focusing on primary sources not often covered in the secondary literature (including the William O'Brien Papers and the New York Call).
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Recommended Citation
Buckingham, Peter H., "Delving Deeper into James Connolly: Time in America 1902-1910" (2016). Post-Grant Reports. Report. Submission 96.
This research was conducted as part of a Linfield College Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grant in 2015, funded by the Office of Academic Affairs.
The student collaborator was Robin Seiler-Garman.