Post-Grant Reports


Sabbatical Leave Report

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Ethics and Political Philosophy | Politics and Social Change | Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education


The aim of the monograph I worked on during my sabbatical is to identify the conditions for the possibility of a radical democracy forged in both personal and public spaces, including educational and, more broadly, enculturating institutions. The ways in which U.S. public spaces and institutions of enculturation have been politicized and co-opted by hegemonic corporate and political interests and values are targeted. An insistence that economic systems not stand in for political and moral ones, and that morality and political virtue be returned to their communal roots, adumbrates the framework of a more radical democratic ethos. The basis for deeply democratic enculturation practices and participatory governance structures is rooted in a theory of liberatory education. Liberation education, as inspired by philosophical American Pragmatism, aims to cultivate the habits of mind and character that enable a civic-centered education to function as the cornerstone of a fiduciary democracy. An examination of the educational practices in the nascent democracy of Bhutan provides the basis for a comparative case study in educating for sustainable moral happiness and democratic citizenship.


This research was conducted as part of a sabbatical leave in 2015.

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