Post-Grant Reports
Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grant Report
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Biological and Chemical Physics | Physics
Complexity is the study of unexpected order or “phenomena which emerge from a collection of interacting objects.”1 There are many natural systems that have been studied with the complexity lens: earthquakes, neuronal activity, protein folding, forest fires. More recently, physicists interested in complexity have begun looking at insect swarms. This project developed a simple computational model of fly swarms to search for evidence of complexity, particularly self-organized criticality.
1 Johnson, Neil F. (2009). Chapter 1: Two's company, three is complexity. In Simply complexity: A clear guide to complexity theory. Oxford: Oneworld Publications.
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Recommended Citation
Murray, Joelle, "Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grant Report" (2016). Post-Grant Reports. Report. Submission 79.
This research was conducted as part of a Linfield College Faculty Development Grant in 2015, funded by the Office of Academic Affairs.
The student collaborator was Grant Cates.