Post-Grant Reports


Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grant Report

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Analytical Chemistry | Materials Chemistry


Funds were requested to support two students, Nalea Trujillo and Tanner Corrado, to investigate the development of sol-gel based materials containing silver/gold nano particles as chemical detectors for 4-mercaptobenzoic acid and DAPI (4’, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) using fluorescence and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) with me. This project builds upon my previous research involving the development of new host materials for chemically active dyes that can be used as sensors. The goals of this project were threefold: to determine 1) if new sol-gel based materials could be made containing 4-mercaptobenzoic acid that can detect pH changes using SERS, 2) if new sol-gel based materials could be made containing DAPI that can be detected using SERS and fluorescence spectroscopy, and 3) if the aerogel materials containing DAPI could be sealed to trap inert gases such as helium.


This research was conducted as part of a Linfield College Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grant in 2015, funded by the Office of Academic Affairs.

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