"Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grant Report" by Hillary Crane

Post-Grant Reports


Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grant Report

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Biological and Physical Anthropology | Digestive System Diseases | Diseases | Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases | Social and Cultural Anthropology


In the spring of 2018, I received funding to hire two collaborative researchers to work with me on my ethnographic research into celiac disease. I recruited two anthropology majors: rising juniors Rose Letsinger and Carmen Chasse.

Having had our Methods course, they were trained to do research, and we spent some time in the early summer discussing ethnographic interviewing training in transcription skills. They both spent much of the summer transcribing and coding prior interviews, but they also collected their own in geographical areas prior researchers on this project had not had access to. Thus, they added considerably to the store of qualitative data I’ve been collecting over the last several years. The ethnographic interviews were wide-ranging but mostly focused on the unusual ways living with celiac disease manifests in daily life. Although there is more to examine in the data they collected, I’m presenting a paper on this research with prior student collaborator Elizabeth Stoeger at the Society for Applied Anthropology conference. That paper looks at the ways celiacs narrate their exposure to and experience with various forms of risk that comes with the disease (of exposure to gluten and the physical results, of social/familial rejection for refusing to eat some foods/participate in food-related events, and of disbelief from those who don’t take the disease seriously).


This research was conducted as part of a Linfield College Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grant in 2018, funded by the Office of Academic Affairs.

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