Post-Grant Reports
Sabbatical Leave Report
Document Type
Publication Date
Disability and Equity in Education | Educational Sociology | Education Economics | Social and Cultural Anthropology | Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education | Sociology
The purpose of this sabbatical was to examine educational inequality in Ghana, particularly as it relates to recent economic and political developments. This work has broad social significance (a better understanding of the extent/determinants of educational inequality), enhances the body of knowledge in the subfield of sociology of education (due particularly to the international focus), benefits Linfield College and the Department of Sociology & Anthropology (for example, with regard to the core theme of “Multicultural and Global Understanding” and Goal 2A of the Strategic Plan), and enriches my long-term research/teaching agenda (particularly by adding a global component to my ongoing research on educational inequality and enhancing course content). The specific goals were as follows: (1) to initiate a specific research agenda that examines educational inequality in Ghana; (2) to fully develop a Jan-Term course (and the associated prerequisite course) to be taught in Ghana at a future time; and (3) to develop plans to incorporate the knowledge gained from this project into existing courses. All goals were met.
Recommended Citation
Orr, Amy, "Sabbatical Leave Report" (2017). Post-Grant Reports. Report. Submission 127.
This research was conducted as part of a sabbatical leave in 2017.