Linfield University English Faculty Presentations | Faculty Scholarship & Creative Works | Linfield University
Faculty Presentations

Faculty Presentations


View presentations and associated materials from faculty in the English Department at Linfield University.


Videos from 2019

Linfield Faculty: Global Thinkers, Locally Engaged, Lissa K. Wadewitz, Chadwick V. Tillberg, Marie Chantalle Mofin Noussi, Daniel Pollack-Pelzner, and Jackson B. Miller

Lectures from 2018


Things Falling Apart: Free Speech and the (In)Civility of Disruptions on College Campuses, Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt

Language, Memory, and Story: Writing across the Genres, Joe Wilkins

Lectures from 2017

Queers in the Middle Ages? A Lesbian/Trans Reading of One Medieval Romance, Jamie Friedman

Submissions from 2016

The Elliston Project: José Angel Araguz Poetry Reading, José Angel Araguz

Readings at the Nick: Joe Wilkins, Joe Wilkins

Lectures from 2015

Making Paintings, Making Poems, Lex Runciman and Ronald Mills de Pinyas

Panel Discussion on Water, Jeremy Weisz, Sarah Coste, Anna Keesey, Robert O. Gardner, Eric Schuck, and Jennifer Heath

Lectures from 2014

The Anxious Canon: Post 9/11 Literatures, Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt

The Girl in the Pool and Other Problems: Excerpts from a Novel in Progress, Anna Keesey

Panel Discussion on Women and Power, Barbara Kitt Seidman, Dawn Nowacki, Susan Currie Sivek, and Brenda DeVore Marshall

Lincoln, Sumner, and Shakespeare, John Stauffer and Daniel Pollack-Pelzner

Readings/Lectures from 2013

Readings at the Nick: Katherine Kernberger, Katherine Kernberger

Readings at the Nick: Joe Wilkins, Joe Wilkins

Lectures from 2012

Eco-terrorism or Eco-tage: An Argument for the Proper Frame, David Sumner and Lisa Weidman