Frederick Douglass Forum Lecture Series
The central aim of the Frederick Douglass Forum on Law, Rights, and Justice at Linfield University is to promote reflection, discussion, and debate about the rule of law, individual rights, and competing conceptions of justice. The Douglass Forum seeks to achieve this aim through an interdisciplinary minor in Law, Rights, and Justice (housed in the Department of Political Science), student reading/discussion groups, and a lecture, debate, and conference series. This collection includes videos from the lecture, debate, and conference series.
Lectures from 2019
Lawyers, Guns and Money: A Judge Looks at Law, Liberal Arts and Law School, Thomas Balmer
The Humanities in an Algorithmic World, Scott Hartley and Annika Yates
The Liberal Arts and the Arts of Liberty, Susan McWilliams, Pedro Graterol, and Nicholas Buccola
The Task of Liberal Education: Reflections on the Nature of Freedom, Roosevelt Montás and Sara Gomez Horta
Lectures from 2018
Many Lives in One: The Legacies of Frederick Douglass, David W. Blight
Women in the World of Frederick Douglass, Leigh Fought
How to Be an Antiracist & Frederick Douglass's Oration "The Claims of the Negro, Ethnologically Considered", Ibram X. Kendi
Learning to Love Lincoln: Frederick Douglass's Journey from Grievance to Gratitude, Diana Schaub
Constitution Day Conversation about Civility, Diversity, and Inclusion, Sharika Thiranagama, Brandon Turner, Pedro Graterol, and Aspen Brooks
Lectures from 2017
Conversation about Religious Liberty and Discrimination, Mark David Hall and Steven Green
Lectures from 2016
Power Concedes Nothing without a Demand: Frederick Douglass on Emancipation, Nicholas Buccola
Ready for the Revolution? History and the Black Panther Party, Waldo E. Martin
Worlds Apart: Authoritarianism and American Political Divisions on the Eve of the 2016 Election, Jonathan Weiler
Lectures from 2015
William F. Buckley and American Conservatism: Two Lectures, Patrick Allitt and William Hogeland
The Political Ideas of James Baldwin: Two Lectures, Lawrie Balfour and Susan McWilliams
James Baldwin and #BlackLivesMatter, Eddie Glaude Jr.
Me and My House: James Baldwin, Prophet of Freedom, David Leeming
The Political Ideas of William F. Buckley, Jr.: Two Lectures, Joe Lowndes and Will Barndt
Lectures from 2014
A Politician Thinking: The Political Thought of James Madison, Jack Rakove
How Do We Know What the Constitution Means?, Jack Rakove
Lectures from 2013
FDR, Obama, and How Presidents Drop Bombs, Elizabeth Hillman
Why John Locke Still Matters, Kristy King
The Value of Universal Service, Will Marshall and Tom G. Palmer
Education for Freedom: Access and the Promise of Democratic Citizenship, Roosevelt Montás
The Politics of Freedom, Corey Robin and Mark Blitz
Lectures from 2012
Immigrant Workers, Racial Biopolitics and the Meat People Eat, Paul Apostolidis
Why Karl Marx Still Matters, Paul Apostolidis
Has the War on Terror Undermined the U.S. Constitution?, Stephen F. Knott and Ofer Raban
Examined Lives: From Socrates to Nietzsche, James Miller