Student Presentations
This collection contains presentations by students in Business at Linfield University.
Events from 2021
Intercollegiate Wine Business Invitational - Pandemônio, Morgan Balovich, Cole Hoskins, Shakayla Snyder, Riley Regalado, Bayleigh Snaric, and Lia Shaffer-Tropeano
Marketing Lululemon in Nigeria, Bri Sanford
Events from 2020
Diamonds, Rosé, and My Fiancé: A Canned Wine Marketing Campaign, Hannah Carty
Wine Business Invitational, Tia Elder, Lily Hanridge, Cami Reuter, Erin Burns, Max Bonda, Patrick McKee, and Ryan Clark
Events from 2019
Intercollegiate Wine Business Invitational, Nathan J. Saragoza, Alexandra Bushman, Hanna Bingham, Cassidy Robinson, Samantha Weymouth, and Luca Mallon
Events from 2018
Wine Studies: My Journey in the Oregon Wine Industry with Linfield, Henry Hegele
Events from 2017
Collaborative Decision-making and Outcomes in a Competitive, Simulated, Industry Environment, Megan Anderson, Andrew Hampson, and Andrew Laney
All In: Launching and Growing a Startup Company, Andrew Hampson
Collaborative Decision-making and Outcomes in a Competitive, Simulated, Industry Environment, Alexis Michael, Chase Meyers, and Drew Doxsie
Collaborative Decision-making and Outcomes in a Competitive, Simulated, Industry Environment, Stephen Nnabue, Haoting (Erin) Qiao, and Giselle Naranjo
Events from 2014
How Oregon Wineries Use Facebook and Website Content to Shape their Reputation and Engage Consumers, Katelyn Henson, Katherine Byers, Shelby VandeBergh, and Ashley Streich
Events from 2013
Oregon Wine Reputation Study, Katherine Byers and Julia Prow