Faculty Publications
Incivility in the Workplace: The Experiences of Female Sport Management Faculty in Higher Education
Publication Date
Business | Educational Leadership | Gender and Sexuality | Higher Education | Sports Management | Sports Studies
Access to higher education for women has dramatically increased in the United States during the past 50 years. Female college graduates have reversed the figures and gone from being outnumbered by their male counterparts 3 to 2 in the 1970s, to now outnumbering male college graduates 3 to 2. Women also graduate from masters and doctoral programs at a higher rate than men.
However, increases in the number of women obtaining college and advanced degrees has not translated to comparable representation in faculty positions or leadership roles in higher education. This lack of women in leadership positions, as well as perceived discrimination against female faculty, may be even more of a concern in sport management programs. Sport is considered a male domain, and women are often seen as intruders in this realm.
The purpose of this study was to examine the manifestation of incivility from colleagues and superiors experienced within a sample of female sport management faculty members utilizing social identity theory as a guiding framework. Incivility was conceptualized for the current study as deviant behavior that is not necessarily intended to physically harm the target (e.g., belittling others, showing disdain to someone while they are talking, engaging in outside tasks during meetings).
Document Type
Published Version
© Copyright 2018 by AAUA—American Association of University Administrators. Permission to reprint for academic/scholarly purposes is unrestricted provided this statement appears on all duplicated copies. All other rights reserved.
Original Citation
Elizabeth A. Taylor, Robin Hardin, Natalie Welch, & Allison B. Smith
Incivility in the workplace: The experiences of female sport management faculty in higher education.
Journal of Higher Education Management, 2018, volume 33, issue 2, pages 180-198
DigitalCommons@Linfield Citation
Taylor, Elizabeth A.; Hardin, Robin; Welch, Natalie; and Smith, Allison B., "Incivility in the Workplace: The Experiences of Female Sport Management Faculty in Higher Education" (2018). Faculty Publications. Published Version. Submission 3.
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Educational Leadership Commons, Gender and Sexuality Commons, Higher Education Commons, Sports Management Commons, Sports Studies Commons
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