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Business | Gender and Sexuality | Human Resources Management | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies | Sports Management | Sports Studies | Women's Studies
The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport (TIDES) at the University of Central Florida publishes the Racial and Gender Report Card to indicate areas of improvement, stagnation, and regression in the racial and gender composition of professional and college sports personnel and to contribute to the improvement of integration in front office and college athletics department positions. Each year the National Basketball Association (NBA) has made progress in almost all categories examined for both race and gender.
The NBA continues to set the standard for the industry as the leader on issues related to race and gender hiring practices. As the 2010 Report Card shows, the NBA had the best grade among the men’s leagues for race and gender as it has for two decades. The NBA had an A for race, and an A‐ for gender for a combined A.
Using data from the 2009‐2010 season, TIDES conducted an analysis of racial breakdowns of the players and coaches. In addition, the report includes a racial and gender breakdown of management in the NBA League Office and, at the team level, top management, senior administration, professional administration, physicians, head trainers, broadcasters, and referees. The previous report examined data from the 2008‐2009 season. The listing of owners, head coaches, team presidents, and general managers of color for the 2010 Report Card is updated through May 15, 2010. All numerical data and the grades reflect information published in official team literature at the beginning of the 2009‐2010 season. The 2010 report also has the extensive list of NBA diversity initiatives which are in Appendix II. Tables for the report are included in Appendix I.
Document Type
Published Version
Original Citation
Richard Lapchick, Christopher Kaiser, Christina Russell, & Natalie Welch
The 2010 racial and gender report card: National Basketball Association.
2010, The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport: University of Central Florida
DigitalCommons@Linfield Citation
Lapchick, Richard; Kaiser, Christopher; Russell, Christina; and Welch, Natalie, "The 2010 Racial and Gender Report Card: National Basketball Association" (2010). Faculty Publications. Published Version. Submission 2.
Included in
Gender and Sexuality Commons, Human Resources Management Commons, Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies Commons, Sports Management Commons, Sports Studies Commons, Women's Studies Commons
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