The Case of Charity Lamb (2016)
Arts and Humanities in Action, or AHA!, was originally envisioned as a three-year program to establish an interdisciplinary program of activities to increase the number of students actively engaged in arts and humanities learning activities while at Linfield College and to connect the values learned and skills developed from these activities to their future careers. Continuing the theme from its inaugural year, AHA! considered the case of Charity Lamb, who was the first convicted female murderer in the newly established Oregon Territory. Students considered the case from a number of disciplinary perspectives: history, creative writing, music, philosophy, and visual arts. As part of the experience, students produced their own creative works on the theme and presented their work on the final day of the pre-orientation week.
Red Painted Roses
Jordan Keller and Hana Oshima
This poster is an artistic representation of the lyrics for the original song Red Painted Roses. Lyrically, Red Painted Roses is meant to follow the murder ballad tradition with the repeated chorus and twists. However, the keening style of the piece accentuates the haunting tone of Charity Lamb’s story and her relationship with Nathaniel Lamb.