Faculty Publications
Publication Date
Social Psychology
Co-rumination, defined as repetitive, problem-focused talk, explains higher levels of friendship quality in youth (Rose, 2002) and increased levels of anxiety/depression in females. Middle adolescents (N=146) participated in a study of co-rumination, individual coping, externalizing/internalizing problems, and peer functioning. Consistent with past research, girls reported higher levels of co-rumination and internalizing symptoms. Co-rumination was also positively correlated with self-reports, but not teacher reports, of anxiety/depression and aggressive behavior. Both self-reported number of friends and teacher-rated social acceptance were negatively associated with co-rumination. Co-rumination partially accounted for the significant indirect effect of gender on internalizing symptoms. Additionally, co-rumination was associated with internalizing and externalizing symptoms but not individual coping efforts. Finally, co-rumination accounted for a unique amount of variance in internalizing symptoms, controlling for externalizing problems and secondary control coping. Theoretical implications and the importance of including broad domains of adjustment and peer functioning in future investigations of co-rumination are discussed.
Document Type
Accepted Version
NOTICE: This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of Adolescence. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of Adolescence, [Vol. 34, Iss. 5, (2011)] doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2011.02.005
Original Citation
Tanya L. Tompkins, Ashlee R. Hockett, Nadia R. Abraibesh, & Jody L. Witt
A closer look at co-rumination: Gender, coping, peer functioning and internalizing/externalizing problems.
Journal of Adolescence, 2011, volume 34, issue 5, pages 801-811
DigitalCommons@Linfield Citation
Tompkins, Tanya L.; Hockett, Ashlee R.; Abraibesh, Nadia; and Witt, Jody L., "A Closer Look at Co-Rumination: Gender, Coping, Peer Functioning and Internalizing/Externalizing Problems" (2011). Faculty Publications. Accepted Version. Submission 6.
This article is the author-created version that incorporates referee comments. It is the accepted-for-publication version. The content of this version may be identical to the published version (the version of record) save for value-added elements provided by the publisher (e.g., copy editing, layout changes, or branding consistent with the rest of the publication).