Faculty Publications
Publication Date
Mental and Social Health | School Psychology
The current study sought to evaluate the suicide prevention gatekeeper training program QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer) among school personnel using a non-equivalent control group design. Substantial gains were demonstrated from pre- to post-test for attitudes, knowledge, and beliefs regarding suicide and suicide prevention. Exploratory analyses revealed the possible moderating effects of age, professional role, prior training, and recent contact with suicidal youth on QPR participants’ general knowledge, questioning, attitudes toward suicide and suicide prevention, QPR quiz scores, and self-efficacy. The need for replication using a more rigorous experimental design in the context of strong community collaboration is discussed.
Document Type
Submitted Version
Original Citation
Tanya L. Tompkins, Jody Witt, & Nadia Abraibesh
Does a gatekeeper suicide prevention program work in a school setting? Evaluating training outcome and moderators of effectiveness.
Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 2009, volume 39, number 6, pages 671-681
DigitalCommons@Linfield Citation
Tompkins, Tanya L.; Witt, Jody; and Abraibesh, Nadia, "Does a Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention Program Work in a School Setting? Evaluating Training Outcome and Moderators of Effectiveness" (2009). Faculty Publications. Submitted Version. Submission 1.
This article is the version that has been submitted to a journal for peer review.